
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Elder Ben LeSueur - 11/20/90 Cont'd

LeSueur - Belgium/France

October 10, 1990

Dear Bro. Parker,

How are you? I hope you got my last letter! I just got the GUIDElines and loved reading it. Each time I read it I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude for the things I learned in the Program. I really look up to and admire you guys like Aaron Matheny, David Porter, Doug Birch, and Marlin Porter along with Bro. Flake, Bowden and yourself, who helped me realize what I wanted to become. The Youth Guide Program was a foundation of my mission. I love it here in France. I'm learning so much.

I think I'm learning the importance of being meek and humble. I don't think I ever really understood why it was so important. The only way I progress is if I'm humble. If I start getting prideful the Lord humbles me really quick so I can continue with my progression. Until we realize that we are nothing without the Lord's help, we can't do anything. We must accept that. "Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thrash the nations by the power of my spirit." D&C 35:13. One of my MTC teachers told us for 2 months at the MTC that "we are the dust of the earth," that we are nothing. I thought that was kind of weird that he was telling us that and I didn't really understand why. I would get offended because I didn't like being called dust. But the day before we left he told u s the second half of the phrase, which I wasn't aware existed, "but with the power and authority of Jesus Christ, we can perform miracles." That is so true!! We must realize that nothing is as important as that power and authority of Jesus Christ. One of my favorite Bible passages talks about this. After Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, Peter and John were walking into the entrance of the temple when they saw a man (crippled) begging for money. As they saw the man, they told him to look upon them. The man, thinking they had money to give, 'gave heed, expecting to receive something," Acts 3:5. "Then Peter said, Silver and Gold have I none; but such as I hath, give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." Acts 3:6.

If we live worthy of this power without becoming prideful, we can accomplish anything.

Brother Parker, Thanks for the GUIDElines

Ben LeSueur

BEN: What a Giant you are. Thanx! for your words of wisdom and explanation. You asked how I am? Well, at times is it almost too much to ask a man who has to work and have a family to do all that we are asked to do. But, that is the way it is. I get lots of strength from my strong young friends throughout the world. Did you ever think that we would be adding a couple of countries a month to the places the GUIDElines go? At one time I thought we were in at least 20% of the missions of the Church. It must be growing! An update on your special friend, Katina. She is so grrrr8! She was the one who organized and conducted the Sisters' Morningside last Saturday and did an excellent job. I'm so proud to have her as a friend. Keep writing, Ben, I need your letters.