November 20, 1990 - 21 Months - A Recap
Temple Farewell Luncheon, Adult Guides Director, 19 Sacrament and Youth Meetings (to a total of 10,000 members), Two Tri-Stake Firesides, Two Sisters Conferences, Temple Workers Fireside, Two Ammonite Missions, Guide Training Conferences, 44 NEW Endowees, Member Missionary Committee,the Ancient Warriors
Permanent Home and Office, 1,276,433 Rosters, EVERY night Christmas '89, 500 Hours IN the Temple, the GUIDElines (now in 17 countries & 10 states), and 100's of nights at the Center!
Thanksgiving! How thankful I am for EACH of you and the Arizona Temple and the Youth Gide Mission inspired by a Prophet and the lovely Gardens...and for our beloved Uncle Bobby who has so devotedly kept it safe and whole and going for so long. Who could forget Brother Juanito Vega, who has been such a wonderful friend. Can you imagine how deeply moved and changed my life has been since my involvement with "THE Program" in these latter-days? Our Father in Heaven musts truly love us so much to have given us this one-of-a-kind opportunity for growth and training.
Of course, it's the Spirit that counts, and the Spirit of this Mission is engendered by each of you...and how thankful I am for your faith and prayers. Not only for the Guide Mission but for me personally. Thanx!
Brethren, the Guidelines has gotten so big...and it means so much to so many of you...that I am considering establishing and Editorial Staff to help me get it done. With Kent Curtis' call to Span, and the St. Gelais twins to California and Texas, and Tom Clifford to NY NY, and Mike Kelsey and Nathan Nichols to the Philippines the GUIDElines goes to 17 countries and 10 states. I've been zeroxing 50 copies and now will have to go to 60 for this issue. That's a bunch. However, I would remain in full control as Publisher, but it would free up my time if I could get help in putting it all together. GuideWork has to many facets, that it seems natural that the GUIDElines would evolve into a large part of it. I now have more missionaries in the field that I am concerned about than there a re Youth Guides. We only have about 26 on the Roster, compared to almost 50 of you in the field (that I correspond with and send GLs to). The change isn't happening with this issue, and is still just a thought, but I would hope that if I decide to do that it would not effect our correspondence with me and I would have your complete support.
Lots has happened in the Mission this month. Notice I wrote MISSION. President Barrett doesn't like the word Program.. He says this is a Mission, and therefore at his direction, and with the concurrence of the Directors, we have changed the name. It is now; THE ARIZONA TEMPLE VISITORS' CENTER YOUTH GUIDE MISSION.
Curtis Nielson was released as a Zone Leader and Eric Richardson took his place. Curtis is ready for his mission and Eric is deep into the Mission now so it was a good trade.
New District Leaders include Jason Bagley, Brain Buell, and Emily Good! Em just about died when Trevor and I met with her. She knew something was up, but not what. It w as fun interviewing her. Of course Brian had only been a Training Specialist for two weeks, so when we moved him up to DL, Trevor said, after establishing the fact that Brian was Awesome, "We'd like to call you as a District Leader on Tuesday evening, what do you have to say? All Brian said was, "I'm amazed!" That was the understatement of the year.
We moved Paul Whetten, Heber Allen, Scott Jones and Brent Moore in as Training Specialists. Jason Ross is an Asst. TS with Scott and also the RS for Thursday evening. New Guides include Steve Jensen, Kent Curtis, and Lafe Carroll. Steve Jones is a RS. Vega spent almost two hours with Kent Curtis the first time he tried to pass the Tour. I was in the temple dining room eating some German Chocolate cake and drinkiing chocolate milk (that was my chocolate Saturday) about 10 a.m. on Saturday and watched them out the windows. Vegas has gotten a lot tougher. (New Guides inn Tyler Britt. He called me last night (11/18) and said he will be getting his endowment soon. How much fun it is to have you guys to go the temple with.)
(In addition to the above-referenced releases and calls, President Barrett released Trent Allenand Dan Roberts as DLs, putting Dan as a TS on Wednesday night. James Boddy is now a DL on Thursday and Evan Vance is a DL on Wednesday. I sat next to Doug Pospisil last night, His papers go in this week. Scott Simpson's come back this week. We will lose about 10 in the next two months! Tyler Britt was sustained as our newest Guide. He called me about 11 p.m. last night to say he has gotten the okay to get his endowments. He was 18 in August, but has special family circumstances that require special measures.)
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