Trevor is a DJ and he is going to put on a Thanksgiving dance the day after at the Chandler Alma Stake Center. He wants to fill the coffers before he leaves for his mission.
GuideWork never stops. While w e were doing Trevor's Initiatory who should come by but President Wade. We talked about a permanent home for the Mission until we were almost late for the lecture! He suggested I concentrate on the Interstake Center.
Then, after we were all done, since it w as Trevor's birthday and Trent Allen's too, we were met in the foyer of the temple by a whole group of Guides and Ammonites. We chatted there and on the steps of the temple for 30 minutes. Then, who should come out of the temple but Trevan Householder and Jared Dorney. Dorney is very wise. I told him that next month was Visiting General Authority Month for the Tempe Mission and he suggested that I allow him to get together a bunch of the returned Guides to take over the Center for an evening while the visiting GA put on a special meeting for the Guides. Not just anyone can work on a Christmas night in December. It should be an exciting time f or all. Can you imagine a GENERAL AUTHORITY coming just to see us??? Remember, I promised that day would come, one night a the Solomon building. I keep my promises.
Dorney has become an instant friend and I appreciate him so much. He spent 20 minutes on the Commitment Pattern for the Ammonites last Sunday and then when Brother Bowden got mad because he thought we weren't going to let him speak and went home, Jared took his place and bore a beautiful testimony. We had sung Christmas carols earlier and it w as a good meeting.
Trevor and I made it to the 7 a.m. session yesterday (11/10). It is such a blessing to me to be able to go to the temple with you guys who really appreciate the opportunity. After having waited in the Gardens so patiently, and impatiently in the case of many of you, to be able to sit next to you as you receive the mysteries of God- It is just wonderful. I left Trevor in the Celestial Room to contemplate some changes he wants to make in the Mission staff and rushed to get ready for the Sisters' Morningside.
It was EXCELLENT! Sister Kimball went out of her way to make muffins and sweet rolls and a fruit salad to feed our bodies and together Sister Tanner and Sister Kimball fed our spirits. I worry so much about the sisters who stay behind when you all leave and Sister Tanner spoke so eloquently about their plight. Here are some of my notes:
She started by expressing her feelings at how special each person there was. They were undoubtedly special spirits in the pre-existence and together shouted for joy at being able to have bodies and come to earth. They wept for joy at that time and have now become a righteous generation in the latter-days. Mothers and daughters everywhere are so special that Satan is determined to destroy them. She explained that when rearing children a mother touches their hearts more deeply because she is with them more often.
She said they were beautiful daughters of God and are circled with love. She said she had been introduced to Trevor before his endowment session and said his spirit was shining through! She pointed to him and said he was an example of what the sisters were looking for in a man. (Trevor took all of this in stride, of course. Really, I could feel his humility.)
She s aid there is much symbolism in the lights int he Gardens during Christmas. Sisters can share the light of Christ with others during that time.
She urged each to seek after joy of all kinds in this world. She testified that they were loved and missed in that other place from whence we all came. Then she spoke of roles that we each play during certain times of our life. At this time when all the boys are off in a blaze of glory on their missions the sisters are in a waiting role. She said that waiting helps us to grow a little faster in the role we have. Waiting is hard. She said some must stay in the dressing room practicing for their future role a little longer than others. She said work on t he role you have at present to do your best in it. She said at this time make the decisions that will keep them in the Gardens instead of at the Mall or someplace else.
When she was done, Katina, who was conducting, wept and thanked both women and then asked Trevor if he would say a few words. He started by saying that each day when he gets home from work he takes a shower and gets all clean and then holds his three week old little sister and weeps at how special that time is. He said after Brother Parker left the Celestial Room this morning and he was sitting there quietly contemplating a sister asked if he would like to do some sealings and he said sure. He w as so impressed with the joy he felt and the beauty of the temple and urged them to plan to go t here when the time is right for them.
It w as an excellent meeting: full of the Spirit and excellent instruction. Too bad only six girls came. Afterward, we gathered around in some chairs on the patio at the Second Ward building, you know that beautiful old building at Center and 1st Ave, and shared some refreshments and just allowed the girls to chat awhile with Sister Tanner and Sister Kimball.
Brethren, there were only a very few people there but our hearts were touched with love and the Spirit. I believe the girls and Trevor are forever changed by what they were a part of. I told Sister Kimball that if we did nothing more than impress these future leaders of the Church with the Awesome responsibility they have toward t he women of the Church we were successful.
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