
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Elder Richardson Argentina 11/20/90 Cont'd


P.S. Bro. P. can you send off these quick little 'hello' letters w/the next GUIDElines and plus -- I am afraid that some of this letter to you was also written on my last letter to the GUIDElines. I forgot exactly what I wrote and don't have it in print yet. But that's ok. Twice won't hurt - Thanks!

Oct 22, 1990

Dear Bro. Parker:

Hello World! I feel like I should be writing from the Underground and hiding right now. About 2 or 3 weeks ago 2 American Elders were abducted from Buenos Aires! I don't know if it made news where you ae and it might not even be totally true, but for sure at least one missionary was taken. -- Don't worry --I'm totally safe here in this little town Cutral-co. I guess Satan does all he can to stop the work.

Everything is fine here. I love Spanish--or as they call it here--Castellano -- which is a little take off from Spanish. It's like English (American) and English (England). It's so fun! But I get confused sometimes and feel I can't speak English or Spanish. Brother Parker, I love and appreciate the GUIDElines much more now.The last one I received (dated Sept 19) this week, was extra special and helpful. For all the work you put in to the GUIDElines, I hope you get a TON out of it. You really deserve the blessings. It's usually 2 or 3 months b/w the time when I write and then see it is print -- But I will wait the whole year and be patient in waiting for the GUIDElines -- because I think I know how difficult it is. So I promise to you to write at least once a month -- or make every edition that I can so as to not defeat the 'purpose of the GUIDElines'. I love them and I hope this is a way in which I can pay you for them and hopefully it may be of some use to my brothers and you too, Brother Parker.

It's amazing how quick my feelings change here in the mission field. That is a constant here -- change. W/in a matter of hours I go from one extreme of excitement to depression to excitement. And I want you to know I feel GRRRR8! (I hope it's ok to use one of your 'awesome' terms!) The GUIDElines helped me to feel that way.

Last week one day I was having a hard day with my comp -- as has been mentioned in the GUIDElines -- and was real down, but found out the GUIDElines came and was on my desk! I eagerly tore it open and read for he whole2 hours of siesta. I felt renewed and strengthened especially after reading the letters fromn Elders Dave Port and both Can-Win and Chile Jensens. And we finished the day great!

I need to explain my situation to show you why I have felt the worst I ever have in my life. This companion has been a real struggle and I never have felt so depressed, frustrated and helpless in my life. I've been working with a comp who basically hates me because I'm trying to follow the rules and who doesn't care if we are successful or not. This has been the hardest time in my whole life to the point where several times I'm about to cry in the streets. But as with all trials that we have, I have grown so much. Because he doesn't like responsibility, I have loved to take some and I've run with it and improved in the language and gained valuable experience. And in line with what Elder Can-Win Jensen said a bout prayers 'call upon your Father because He will always be there for us.' I have been in constant prayer for up to an hour at times and have developed a stronger relationship with Him, which has been a great blessing so far in my mission. And I have been able to work on and develop the Christlike virtues of temperance, patience, and love. He really has made me want to work harder to insure that we do out best. I'm so thankful for all the growth I'm making.

I know we should expect to see comps who do not want to work or will demand the best out of us. But this comp is a little different. He actually and seriously is retarded--no joke or cut down. He does not have full use of his brain. He hasn't since he was a kid. He only has full usage of 4/5 of his brain. But as with all comps -- THERE IS A REASON HE IS HERE AND I AM WITH HIM. He would not be here if he could not do well. This has helped me to keep going and keep trying. And amidst all our problems I love him dearly for all he has taught me and all we've been able to do. I am an 'embryo' as Elder Duffin said and I have so much to learn and grow still. It is important with our comps that we are humble, (I am in no way perfect -- so I can't expect it my comp either, this makes me humble) temperate, patient and loving. In this way the Spirit of the Lord can work through us and we c an be powerful tools of righteousness. It has been miraculous what I have been able to do. I have had great experiences with this comp too. He really can be great -- and we just need to press on, try our hardest to improve and accomplish the work we were sent to do. Our relationship has been the best when I've been able to give humble service, and when there has been no contention. I strive for that more than anything right now. Thank you for all your words of wisdom and support you all give me. I love to hear fromm you all too, and hope you learn lots from the letters of others.

I really enjoy my mission and serving the Lord. It is a tremendous blessing in my life!

Just a couple more things. I know the Tri-Stake Fireside was yesterday -- I hope it was a great success and  I wish I could have been there to help! But with my brother there, I doubt I could have done any better -- I'm sure he did great! I hope and pray that it was a great success. And I'm so happy for Scott Simmons -- He is a great guy and shows that perhaps the best thing I ever did in the Program was get others interested in it! I hope Robin is still active! And I'm even more excited for all my brother is doing in the Program.  I have a strong testimony of the Program andit is so important to help him---I love you for that. (Do you think you could get  him in Toastmasters?!) I'm glad to have such close ties to the goings on there at the Temple and am so happy it's going great!

Thank you so much for the letters--I wish I could have known all of you "older" Elders before. You've all helped me a lot and I love you for that. I don't think Elder "Miracle Man" Thornton or Elder Willis could be more excited. I get excited when I read their letters and don't lose that excitement--It is a great motivation!

Since this is lalready a mile long I would like to share my paragraph for the special Christmas issue now. The best preparation I had for my mission was in the Tour Guide Program. It got me running. And I feel it is all due to one special experience that I have not shared with no more than 2 or 3 people. (I would like you to show this to my brother for me too, please). Brother Parker, you told me that your very special experiences in the temple are few. Perhaps the greatest experience that I have had in my life that helped me to gain a strong testimony of prayer and that our Heavenly Father hears and answers all our prayers occurred in the chapel on Solomon and Broadway.

I hate to say it but when I first started going to the SNTM (Sunday Night Training Meeting) with John Bushman and Robin Roberts we went for reasons other than to prepare for our missions. Sure we wanted to be involved in the Program, but the social part was very attractive too, and  that's all I'll say. There was one meeting about a year ago after or before the Halloween Party at the Pospisil's. It was already special with a program about Christ with a chorus and a narrator, etc. John and I had ended up sitting on the left in the  front row, so we had great seats. During the program, and  I'm not sure why but I was wondering if I actually could spend time in the Program with all my studies, etc. And I offered a very short, sincere prayer in my mind asking Heavenly Father if this is what I should do (be in the Program wholeheartedly). I have and had offered many prayers similar to that one prayer, but I've never had a response to any prayer like I did to that prayer. And it didn't come until the end of the meeting. The Spirit was already unusually strong in this outstanding meeting, and at the end of the program, and to end the night we stood up to sing songs. The last or one of the last songs we sang, (for there were many) was "Teach Me To Walk in the Light." The first verse was great and I remember hearing all  the girls singing and thinking to myself that they sound like little children, beautiful, innocent children of our Heavenly Father. And then I remembered the prayer I had offered earlier on this verse and thought about it some more -- what my decision would be. I already knew that I wanted to be in the Program, but I wasn't sure if I could devote myself and with my prayer, I innocently felt that God would tell me, there seemed no doubt I would get an answer, just the thought 'for sure He will tell me.' It didn't occur to me that the opposite could or would happen. And a feeling that I've never had before in my life, or have had since, came over me  and completely surrounded me and filled my very being when we began to sing the 2nd verse that says, "Come little child and together we'll learn..." It was so overpowering that I could not sing (I never could anyway) and I felt like shouting while I was standing there. The tears filled my eyes that I could not see and when I tried to sing it was a trembling, crying whimper. John saw how I was acting and put his arm over my shoulder to give me comfort and solace like only a best friend can and I sat there crying, trembling and tingling all over. I knew then that I needed to be there and work my heart out for the Program. It was almost, if not more important to me than school. I do not know why this happened to me other than to give me the answer to my prayers. But because I was in the Program and my testimony of the Church grew strong and bold so a s to never waiver again. I grew so much and was so blessed that  I feel I can never repay you Brother Parker, the other leaders, my friends there in the Program or the Program itself. I know that God lives and loves us. I know He hears our prayers and gives us answers and support. I'm so thankful to be a part of His wonderful Gospel and to be spreading it here in the mission. I'm so thankful and terribly excited to even be associated with alll these great and awesome Guide/Missionaries who I love so much and respect and admire tremendously. I love you all dearly and wish the best for you on your missions. Thanks Brother Parker. (hugs and kisses) Besos y carinos. Affectionately, Elder Jeff Richardson.

[Just had a wonderful talk with Jeff who now lives in Safford, Arizona with his wife and family of six children. Faithful, funny, loving, great man! Below is my answer to his letter...]

JEFF: I read the part in your letter about the Solomon meeting to the leadership of the Ammonite Mission and charged them to go out and make some of those wonderful spiritual experiences happen. You would have loved last SNTM. There were 120 kids there, not big by Solomon standards, but LARGE for us lately. Each member of the Presidency got to bear their testimonies. Eric is so thankful for you. I called him this afternoon and he must have thought I was crazy after he hung up. I forgot he was ZL for Wed/Sat and sincehe was on Tuesday for so long, I called to tell him to get something ready in case it rained a lot tonight. First rain in a long time. Then I had to call him back and tell him I wasn't really CRAZY just CONFUSED! Loved your letter, bud, and pray this issue is what you need. Thanx! - Bro. P.

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