
Monday, January 10, 2011

GUIDElines Issue Dedicated to 'The Duffer' A.V. W.

The heading on the June 15, 1990 issues of GUIDElines is “Yabba Dabba Do” – See Ya in Two!  It is dedicated to the Duffer…A.V.W.

There is a BULLETIN:  UB told me today that the NEW ERA is going to do an article on the Program!  Details in July GUIDElines.

Duffin and Parker Work at the Veil!

Lots of exciting things have happened in the past couple of weeks and I have been trying to decide which one would lead off this issue of GUIDElines.

Having lunch with Elder Woolsey, Shad and Eric was grrrr8!  Receiving a blessing given by Shad and Eric was probably even grrrrr8er!  Having the Warriors arrive from around the world when Shad was bearing his testimony for the last time at a SNTM gave me a thrill it is hard to describe.  Getting a job, and what looks like a good one, sure has put a different perspective on things.

However, if I had to pick the thing that made my heart have a meltdown of happiness, it was working the Veil with Brian Duffin.  It’s kind of like having one of your children make good.

I can’t describe the feeling of hearing that deep baritone voice of the Duffer at the veil.  And to stand beside him and have him turn and smile that smile of pure happiness!  It was AWESOME !

We were privileged to accompany Mark Barzocchini when he received his endowments this past Thursday evening.  These sessions are always extra-special for me.  But the Duffer took the cake this week.  I suggested a week or so ago that he went to the temple often enough that he should speak to an instructor and become an Authorized Veil Worker (A.V.W., which is stamped in red on your recommend).  He took my suggestion and soon approached me in the Gardens one night and showed me the red A.V.W. stamp on his recommend!  He is an obvious example of how much difference the temple can make in a guy’s life.  Everyone has noticed the depth of maturity and serenity that has entered Brian’s life.  I am proud of him.

Impressions from Russell M. at the MTC

[When they left for the MTC, I told them they would be so busy that they wouldn’t be able to write me while there.  However, I wanted them to sum up their training each day with a few words or impressions of what they had learned, and when they were done with the MTC training to write me and tell me what they had written each day.  Russell was obedient to my request. – Bro. P. 2003]

22 March – Obedience, Unity

25 March – Eye Single to the Glory of God

27 March – Exact obedience, love people (companionship), Spirit

29 March – Missionary Guide.  “I’ve learned more from it, in the time I’ve been back, than in two years on my mission.”  Elder Peterson (My teacher and in first companionship to Poland.)

31 March – Service, Charity, Obedience, Family, Gain a vision of your mission (or goal), Integrity.

1 April – Charity, service, integrity, families

8 April – Be humble and submissive – You know some of the stuff already, use it as a stepping-stone to deepen your understanding – It is a blessing to everyone.

12 April – Obedience with exactness

15 April – Be humble first!  You must be humble to begin learning and gaining faith, etc.

22 April – Obedience, humility

29 April – Commitment and obedience.

1 May – Invite – Do it, most missionaries don’t…. “If you learn to be a committing missionary, you will have more success than if you do anything else.”  Elder Backman.  Spirit matter most!  Be humble and reachable throughout your whole life (especially mission life), keep studying no matter how much you know.

May 6 – Basic Summary

Well, my short time here at the MTC has been filled with many experiences, which will be close to my heart throughout my life.  I will not forget that day when Elder Birch (calling someone their first given name is a misdemeanor here at the MTC) asked for a blessing.  What a humbling position, no father or priesthood leader to consult, just my companion, myself, Doug, and the Lord.  And, I will never forget the time when six young Elders, from all over the U.S., jointly laid their hands on their future Mission President’s head, and gave him a blessing.  Priesthood Power has never seemed so real and powerful in my life!

I know this is supposed to be about my impressions, but what better impressions can one have, than experiences.  Of course, most of the MTC experience is spent just soaking up excellent talks by spiritual leaders, and discussions or language.  To be sure, I have not learned much of the things which have been taught, but the Gospel, teaching skills, and Christ-like attitudes do not come in a two-month period of time.

I can already feel the strength the Youth Guide Program has given me.  I’m sure the Program strengthens different people in different ways.  For me, I have felt it in teaching situations.  I will cherish the opportunities I had to bear testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.  Truly, the experiences of my short time there are immeasurable.  I have difficulty in finding the word to express my feelings of gratitude.

As the Spirit is the most important thing in missionary work, the MTC has been an intense learning institution.  I have learned much about the workings of the Spirit in my own life.  As recognizing the Spirit becomes easier, so does following it.  Each different detail fits into the same simple picture of Christ’s restored gospel.  I have heard much about humility and faith, but long to implement them more into my life.  Actually, faith fits back in with the Spirit, as I have faith to act on a prompting, my faith increases.  Also, my understanding of the Spirit does, too, so I’m ready for another trial of my faith—what a marvelous way to grow.

The most important part of the MTC experience has been the focus on Christ.  I never felt closer to my Savior than in the walls of the MTC (excluding the temple).  During the first week we wrote a letter to Jesus.  The room seated many new missionaries, and the Spirit filled the room and our hearts, as we realized a little more whom the Savior was, and what He did for us.  It was also wonderful to be here during Easter and General Conference.  Elder David B. Haight spoke this week in a devotional, and I was saddened to hear missionaries say it was boring.  My Branch President mentioned what an experience it was for him to hear an Apostle of God speak about Christ, and bear his special witness of Christ.  I hope that I will always be prepared to learn more of Christ.

Bro. Parker, you know how much I like to babble, so I’m sure this letter wasn’t too bad, I love you very much and wait for the day when we can once again enter the doors of the House of the Lord together.  I love Jesus Christ and His gospel.  My words are weak, but my testimony stands strong on the Rock of our salvation who is Christ our Lord!  May the Lord bless you and the Program in furthering His work.

Love, Elder Russell M.

Russ:  I appreciate the fact that you did exactly as I asked you, as we sat in the Celestial Room and discussed your mission.  (I used to ask the boys before they left to mark a little place on their daily planner that could contain a word or two impressions for each week they were in the MTC.  Then, when they left I wanted them to send it too me in a letter about what they had learned.)  Thank you for all the impressions.  I, too, love you, and I am sure the Guides throughout the world will remember, fondly, their MTC experience as they read your impressions.  It makes me feel so good to know that we were able to assist you in preparing for your mission without spoiling your wonderful, quiet nature.  Sometimes we get caught up in the idea that our way is always the best way and we know, many times through hindsight, that it really isn’t.

I like the idea about writing a letter to the Savior.  Perhaps we can use that in some way in the Program.

Oh, you’ll be happy to know that as Executive Asst. to the President of our company, I work as the Corporate Secretary to the Chairman, President, Chief Financial Officer, VP of Merchandizing, and a couple of others.  Out of that group there is a High Councilor, X-member of the Stake Presidency/Bishop, E.Q. President, Councilor in a bishopric and 2nd Counselor in a Stake Mission Presidency.  The Co’s claim to fame is a product which was the main cleaning agent used in the Alaskan Oil Spill.  Interesting how a little plant in Gilbert can have a major impact on the world…perhaps a young missionary from Mesa can impact Poland in the same way!  Our product is clean and safe for the environment and was used in wiping away the black ooze created by a huge mistake…seems there may be a parallel there!

Today is June 12, 1990, my Silver Wedding Anniversary, and I came home to take Claudia out to lunch and got the mail and as we were driving I opened it and read the first line:


Which of course is Happy Anniversary in Polish!  How in the world you knew and to have the letter arrive at that exact time was really astonishing to us.  Thank you very much for the thoughts.  I’ll include the rest of your letter on another page of this issue.

So far, this issue contains letters from Elders David P. – Chile, Jeff R. – before he left “Temple Commitment Letter,” Eric J. – MTC, Marlin P. – Japan, Robert B. – Chile, reed h. – Japan, Mike P. – England, Doug B. – Brazil, Ken B. – South Africa, the DeWitts – Missouri, Ben L. – France, Russ M. – Poland, Derek S. – Washington, D.C., and there are still a couple of days before it gets mailed.

May the Lord bless each of you for your diligence!

Bro. P.

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