
Friday, November 30, 2012

Elder Butler - South Africa 11/20/90 Cont'd


Greetings from the other side of the world (with an arrow pointing to the continue of Africa).


Dear Bro. Parker,

I give no excuses f or not writing for so long. Thanks so much for the GUIDElines. You'll never fully know the beneficial effect they've had on me, and for that I am truly grateful to you and all the Veteran Guides. It sure is great to hear how everybody is doing all around the world. South Africa is treating me well. We will have a baptism on the 11th of  November and we just had one the week before last. Our mission is progressing in leaps and bounds. We have gone from 25 baptisms a month last year to 100+ a month for November. Big Improvement, huh?

I am in Benoni, a medium sized town that's close to the International Airport. I've been here for 8 months now. I was transferred last month from one side of town to the  other. We are currently teaching 5 really good families, although we aren't teaching any black people right now. We are trying to work with Black people here in our area, but we have to work through members and t he work is slow.

I'm staying in good shape. We ride our bicycles about 10-15 miles a day (guesstimate). My comp right now is Elder Gadeski, from Calgary, Canada. Not to be proud or anything, but we are working like dogs here, not without blessings of course.

The weather is pretty warm now, 90-100 degrees F every day, so we have good 'farmer' tans.

As far as words of great wisdom, my fountain is not overflowing right now. I really appreciate reed's great discourses. They shed some light on dark corners for me. Just a word for all those who are drowning in the waters of trial and tribulations. I love you! After wading through much affliction, I have learned a few ways of loosening the  burdens which have worked for me. First of all, always remember your sorrows won't be forever, even though they might seem unbearable. Remember that the sun always breaks through in the end. Take courage in the love and support of those who care about you. For, though it may not seem like it, there are many who would do anything to help you, on both sides of the veil. Don't ever surrender, no matter what, keep treading water. The rescue boat will come soon. And above all pray fervently that you will learn the lesson you are supposed to quickly and pray for understanding.. Eternal Understanding. Hang in there. I love you all and can't wait for the glorious day when we are all reunited again. Until then get out there and tear it up everybody. Ek is vir julie, Almall! (I love you all everybody). Love, Eternally, Elder Ken Butler.

In closing, the joys of our Savior's work are eternal while t he woes and sorrows we may experience are merely temporal!

KEN: What a tremendous letter. I think you've either grown a mile in stature and favor with God or I never really knew who you were when you were here. Your folks came to the last Parent's night and brought the whole family. Thanx! for the encouragement. Merry Christmas, in case next month's issue is late! There is Security Guard at the Temple from S. Africa and every time I see him we talk about Johannesburg, the weather, etc. Write again, soon.

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