NOTE: This is the last letter from Vol. 1, No. 7 of the GUIDElines dated September 19, 1990.
It will be nice when we are all back together. It's kind of hard to send good mail to all parts of the world. I know Mother must really feel the weight of it. Hang in there Mama, it's only a deceit from Satan if you ever feel like we don't loveyou. How much my love has grown for my Mama and my family after living without them.
Well, this past week we had another baptismal service with three people. Two more investigators of the Sister missionaries in my district. One was ours. Our baptism was a great one. She is 18 years old and her name is Paula Andrea Leiva Mattas. She is truly elect. (We're going to baptize her boyfriend next week :)). If any of you see Joe P. ask him about her. She knows him as a civilian (after his mission). More good news is that our three baptisms from last week are progressing well. Ramon the 30 year old is a karate teacher and is starting to teach classes in the cultural hall. He is doing it to help the ward with $ and the youth with skills. :) Alicia the 17 year old is planning activities with the youth, etc. I love it when (as a missionary) I have the help of ward members to welcome new members into the ward. :)
Monday we had a service project as a Zone. We cleaned up a city park. It was a lot of fun; however, my body will be sore for a couple of days. (I've kind of lost my physical condition.) Not much else has happened. Just a lot of work (teaching and baptizing). :) Te amo cada uno.
Love, Elder Wayne J.
P.S. My ex comp Elder Munoz is now the new AP over the mission. I'm so happy because he is the best man for the job!
This Web site was a Beta test and is no longer maintained. Please go to for the NEW Web site and all the information you will need to prepare for your mission.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Elders Turley, Williams and Willis write letters.
Brother Parker - 28 Agosto 1990
Thank you for the GUIDElines! I received it last week and it takes about a week to read it. I really appreciate what you do for all of us.
Work here is Brazil is progressing rapidly. I was transferred to a new city called Santa Rose. We are really being blessed with investigators and a few baptisms.
Last week our Zone had a conference with Elder Camargo (GA) and our Mission President their wives. Elder Camargo talked about service and that God does not ask a lot from us he asks everything. When we give all and serve with all our heart we are greatly blessed.
After the conference my companion and I had the privilege of showing Sister Camargo and Sister Amorin our apartment. Those two sisters are almost like Laurie and Leslie when they get together. They talk and laugh like crazy. It was a great experience to spend some time with Sis. Camargo and Amorin.
I pray for your success and well being.
Ama Elder Richard Turley
P.S. Letters are accepted from anyone. Rua Barao de Aracati 1145, Aideota, Forteleza, Brasil 60115
Br. Parker,
Hello. I love it up here. I feel the spirit daily, and we have an awesome district with a lot of unity. Elders come around to see the fun we are having. We also have morning and evening prayer circle. I came up a day early and spent it with each of the Tour Guides on the P-Day. Now Becky asked me to write something for the Tour Guides so give this to her:
Dear Tour Guides: Greetings from Elder Williams. You guys are so privileged to be in the Tour Guide Program. Everyone I meet would have loved to be in such a program, so be thankful for it. Congratulations for getting the 50 referrals, and good luck in your future endeavors. There are three things to do to prepare for your mission. First, learn to set and accomplish goals, like Set A Date. It really gives you a purupose for doing missionary work. Second, have strict obedience because there are more rules here than you can relaize, so be obedient. Lastly, go through the Missionary Guide. I really helps tremendously. You are awesome, and you can perform miracles. I love you all, and thanks again for all that you do.
Br. Parker: Thank you for all you do. You are a great example to me and if you could give that for an article in the Jershon Journal.
Love, Your Eternal Friend
P.S. Jeff, or Elder Richardson would like the GUIDElines, and I would like it too.
Dear Br. Parker - 9/3/90
Thank you for the GUIDElines. I really appreciate them. Life is great up her in Idaho. I am stationed at McCammon, a small town of 770 and 80% Mormons. We also cover five other small towns. It is awesome. We were blessed with one baptism Aug 30, and yesterday we decided to go tracting, and we were able to pass out a Book of Mormon at our first house we went. to. I have found out that most of our baptisms are the younger kids, because the old people are too set in their ways. I love it here. The people feed us 6-7 times a week, and we go on splits 5- times a week. So we are very busy. The weather here is excellent. It is about 70-75 degrees outside with a light shower in the afternoon. It is so cool because the spirit is so Strong when I teach, but it depends on the other person. If the person is prepared, they will feel the spirit and be converted. If they are not prepared, they won't feel the spirit. The way to prepare them is to make relationships of trust with the people. I know it sounds simple, but it works in life too. If a person trusts you, then they are more inclined to do things for you. Well, I do have to go, so have a happy day.
Love, Elder Williams
P.S. We have two mottos in our mission, and you will never guess which ones. Yep, you're right. "D&C 4 and No Unhallowed Hand...." It is neat, because I already have them memorized!
Bro. Parker - Aug 3, 1990
Wow! Boy does time fly! I'm sorry about taking so long to write back to you. I never thought that I could be so busy and P-Day goes by way too fast. I learned somethings in the last devotional on Sunday that might be beneficial to the Guides and also to the missionaries:
Love, Elder Willis
Bro. Parker - Fri, Aug 17, 1990
Wow! What a glorious surprise to open up the mailbox and find the GUIDElines waiting for me. I can't ell you what a joy and uplifting experience it is to receive it. I appreciate very much the time you put into compiling all of the letters together.
First, I want to ask you to forgive my slothful service as a Youth Guide. I'm very sorry about the many, many gray hairs that I cause you - and probably others to have. But, out of that I have learned a lesson. Because of the regret that I have for not serving with full heart, I have resolved not to let that happen to me on my mission. It was a good, but hard lesson, to learn. I regret not serving more diligently now and have pledged to not have the same regret about my mission!
Second, things are going fabulous here in the MTC - only 10 more days left - but you know me Bro. Parker, I'm not trunky. Ha!
The Greek is coming along just great! Elder Mitchell and I taught our teacher the 1st Discussion all in Greek. Boy was that ever difficult, but we did it. It's amazing how much the Lord will bless you when you give your all! And, Bro. Parker, your computer is butchering the Greek language. I could barely recognize it. I thought hat you maybe had some Greek characters on a disk somewhere so here is Greek Lesson #1 for you my good brother (?) pronounced (?).
NOTE: In the original GUIDElines I did the whole Greek alphabet correctly with his explanations of how to pronounce each one. But I don't know how to do it in Blogger.
I hope you like that lesson. That is what I learned my first day here on June 27th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. You don't have to put all this gibberish in the GUIDElines. Thank you for all you do to my brethren around the world. I think of you often and pray for you always. Ben, Marlin, Dave, Paul, Russell, Jeff R., Shad, Brian, Doug (you weirdo), and Eric. I hope I didn't forget anyone. Thank you for your examples. You were the strength that I drew from in the Guide Program. You created it all for me. Thank you for your patience with me also. I love you all oh and Bro. P. please tell the Guides thanks for the birthday card. I love you. May (Greek) Heavenly Father bless you all.
(Greek) God Speed! - Love, Elder Willis
Bro. Parker - Mon, Sept 3, 1990
[Took ten days to get her, Geoff]
Here's the one to put in the GUIDElines. I just hope it gets to you in time. Well, I'm sitting on the balcony of my apartment in Paleo Faliso which is a suburb of Athens just like NY has Queens, Brooklyn, etc. I live about 3 minutes from the beach. Right now I'm looking at the Acropolis which is in the center of Athens. It's a nice clear day, usually it's polluted and you can't see. It's so nice to actually be here and doing the Lord's work. It's hard though because I don't understand a thing, but it's so wonderful, too.
These people need the gospel so much. They are all so unhappy. They never smile. I lvoe them so much already because they are so open and friendly.
We ride buses all over the place. We don't ride bikes at all. If we did we would get killed. These Greek drivers are absolutely crazy - THEY EVEN DRIVE ON THE SIDEWALKS! But when we are on the buses people just stare at us. It's great. They are really super curious about our tags. So I pick out the closest starer and say yah sas (hi) and start talking to them as best I can about what we are doing and if we can come by. They are so curious and animated. Americans are so boring. I love them all so much. I just wish they could accept Christ and be baptized and be shown how to be happy. They are so wonderful I want to do all I can to serve them. I can see why Paoul came and visited these people over 2,000 years ago. [Are you sure of your dates, Geoff?]
I went to my first Greek baptism on Saturday in the Aegean Sea! And boy was it SWEET! President Nasopolos, the Branch President here, baptized his daughter. He's a stud! Strong as any member in the States or anywhere. It is really neat to see this little Athens Green Branch of about 20 people who are so faithful and love the gospel so much.
These are just choice, choice people. I can't wait to help someone into the gospel! The Spirit is here and I love Greece very much. The Church is true here. I love you very much, too, Bro. Parker and thank you for the letter and for putting the GUIDElines together. You're a stud! To my Guide brethren around the world, I love you very much and pray for you every night for your success. May the work go forth, [God Speed].
Love, Elder Willis
More Greek.....
Brother Parker - 28 Agosto 1990
Thank you for the GUIDElines! I received it last week and it takes about a week to read it. I really appreciate what you do for all of us.
Work here is Brazil is progressing rapidly. I was transferred to a new city called Santa Rose. We are really being blessed with investigators and a few baptisms.
Last week our Zone had a conference with Elder Camargo (GA) and our Mission President their wives. Elder Camargo talked about service and that God does not ask a lot from us he asks everything. When we give all and serve with all our heart we are greatly blessed.
After the conference my companion and I had the privilege of showing Sister Camargo and Sister Amorin our apartment. Those two sisters are almost like Laurie and Leslie when they get together. They talk and laugh like crazy. It was a great experience to spend some time with Sis. Camargo and Amorin.
I pray for your success and well being.
Ama Elder Richard Turley
P.S. Letters are accepted from anyone. Rua Barao de Aracati 1145, Aideota, Forteleza, Brasil 60115
Br. Parker,
Hello. I love it up here. I feel the spirit daily, and we have an awesome district with a lot of unity. Elders come around to see the fun we are having. We also have morning and evening prayer circle. I came up a day early and spent it with each of the Tour Guides on the P-Day. Now Becky asked me to write something for the Tour Guides so give this to her:
Dear Tour Guides: Greetings from Elder Williams. You guys are so privileged to be in the Tour Guide Program. Everyone I meet would have loved to be in such a program, so be thankful for it. Congratulations for getting the 50 referrals, and good luck in your future endeavors. There are three things to do to prepare for your mission. First, learn to set and accomplish goals, like Set A Date. It really gives you a purupose for doing missionary work. Second, have strict obedience because there are more rules here than you can relaize, so be obedient. Lastly, go through the Missionary Guide. I really helps tremendously. You are awesome, and you can perform miracles. I love you all, and thanks again for all that you do.
Br. Parker: Thank you for all you do. You are a great example to me and if you could give that for an article in the Jershon Journal.
Love, Your Eternal Friend
P.S. Jeff, or Elder Richardson would like the GUIDElines, and I would like it too.
Dear Br. Parker - 9/3/90
Thank you for the GUIDElines. I really appreciate them. Life is great up her in Idaho. I am stationed at McCammon, a small town of 770 and 80% Mormons. We also cover five other small towns. It is awesome. We were blessed with one baptism Aug 30, and yesterday we decided to go tracting, and we were able to pass out a Book of Mormon at our first house we went. to. I have found out that most of our baptisms are the younger kids, because the old people are too set in their ways. I love it here. The people feed us 6-7 times a week, and we go on splits 5- times a week. So we are very busy. The weather here is excellent. It is about 70-75 degrees outside with a light shower in the afternoon. It is so cool because the spirit is so Strong when I teach, but it depends on the other person. If the person is prepared, they will feel the spirit and be converted. If they are not prepared, they won't feel the spirit. The way to prepare them is to make relationships of trust with the people. I know it sounds simple, but it works in life too. If a person trusts you, then they are more inclined to do things for you. Well, I do have to go, so have a happy day.
Love, Elder Williams
P.S. We have two mottos in our mission, and you will never guess which ones. Yep, you're right. "D&C 4 and No Unhallowed Hand...." It is neat, because I already have them memorized!
Bro. Parker - Aug 3, 1990
Wow! Boy does time fly! I'm sorry about taking so long to write back to you. I never thought that I could be so busy and P-Day goes by way too fast. I learned somethings in the last devotional on Sunday that might be beneficial to the Guides and also to the missionaries:
- Be Pro-Active - decide what your day (tour, mission) is going to be liek. It's a habit of personal vision. Take responsibility and initiative to make things happen regardless of your comp. or area.
- Begin w/ the End in Mind - begin each day (tour,mission) with a clear picture of what you want to accomplish in mind. Create your day (tour, mission) spiritually before you create it physically.
- Put First Thing First - the main goal on a tour is to get them to check the box affirming a B of M be brought to their home (or for miss. a baptism). So stick to that goal and put it 1st.
- Think Win Win - every Guide or missionary can be effective. They need to be centered on their own mission with their eyes focused on Christ.
- Seek 1st to Understand, Then to be Understood - seek to understand your tour (investigator) before you present the message to them. Until the tour (investigator) feels understood they wil lwithhold their feelings. "Let me understand how you feel and then I'll let you know how I feel."
- Synergize - establish unity in the Program (district, zone, mission) but don't mistake uniformity for unity or oneness for someness. Unity of synergy multiplies two people's efforts - example 1 + 1 = 3.
Love, Elder Willis
Bro. Parker - Fri, Aug 17, 1990
Wow! What a glorious surprise to open up the mailbox and find the GUIDElines waiting for me. I can't ell you what a joy and uplifting experience it is to receive it. I appreciate very much the time you put into compiling all of the letters together.
First, I want to ask you to forgive my slothful service as a Youth Guide. I'm very sorry about the many, many gray hairs that I cause you - and probably others to have. But, out of that I have learned a lesson. Because of the regret that I have for not serving with full heart, I have resolved not to let that happen to me on my mission. It was a good, but hard lesson, to learn. I regret not serving more diligently now and have pledged to not have the same regret about my mission!
Second, things are going fabulous here in the MTC - only 10 more days left - but you know me Bro. Parker, I'm not trunky. Ha!
The Greek is coming along just great! Elder Mitchell and I taught our teacher the 1st Discussion all in Greek. Boy was that ever difficult, but we did it. It's amazing how much the Lord will bless you when you give your all! And, Bro. Parker, your computer is butchering the Greek language. I could barely recognize it. I thought hat you maybe had some Greek characters on a disk somewhere so here is Greek Lesson #1 for you my good brother (?) pronounced (?).
NOTE: In the original GUIDElines I did the whole Greek alphabet correctly with his explanations of how to pronounce each one. But I don't know how to do it in Blogger.
I hope you like that lesson. That is what I learned my first day here on June 27th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. You don't have to put all this gibberish in the GUIDElines. Thank you for all you do to my brethren around the world. I think of you often and pray for you always. Ben, Marlin, Dave, Paul, Russell, Jeff R., Shad, Brian, Doug (you weirdo), and Eric. I hope I didn't forget anyone. Thank you for your examples. You were the strength that I drew from in the Guide Program. You created it all for me. Thank you for your patience with me also. I love you all oh and Bro. P. please tell the Guides thanks for the birthday card. I love you. May (Greek) Heavenly Father bless you all.
(Greek) God Speed! - Love, Elder Willis
Bro. Parker - Mon, Sept 3, 1990
[Took ten days to get her, Geoff]
Here's the one to put in the GUIDElines. I just hope it gets to you in time. Well, I'm sitting on the balcony of my apartment in Paleo Faliso which is a suburb of Athens just like NY has Queens, Brooklyn, etc. I live about 3 minutes from the beach. Right now I'm looking at the Acropolis which is in the center of Athens. It's a nice clear day, usually it's polluted and you can't see. It's so nice to actually be here and doing the Lord's work. It's hard though because I don't understand a thing, but it's so wonderful, too.
These people need the gospel so much. They are all so unhappy. They never smile. I lvoe them so much already because they are so open and friendly.
We ride buses all over the place. We don't ride bikes at all. If we did we would get killed. These Greek drivers are absolutely crazy - THEY EVEN DRIVE ON THE SIDEWALKS! But when we are on the buses people just stare at us. It's great. They are really super curious about our tags. So I pick out the closest starer and say yah sas (hi) and start talking to them as best I can about what we are doing and if we can come by. They are so curious and animated. Americans are so boring. I love them all so much. I just wish they could accept Christ and be baptized and be shown how to be happy. They are so wonderful I want to do all I can to serve them. I can see why Paoul came and visited these people over 2,000 years ago. [Are you sure of your dates, Geoff?]
I went to my first Greek baptism on Saturday in the Aegean Sea! And boy was it SWEET! President Nasopolos, the Branch President here, baptized his daughter. He's a stud! Strong as any member in the States or anywhere. It is really neat to see this little Athens Green Branch of about 20 people who are so faithful and love the gospel so much.
These are just choice, choice people. I can't wait to help someone into the gospel! The Spirit is here and I love Greece very much. The Church is true here. I love you very much, too, Bro. Parker and thank you for the letter and for putting the GUIDElines together. You're a stud! To my Guide brethren around the world, I love you very much and pray for you every night for your success. May the work go forth, [God Speed].
Love, Elder Willis
More Greek.....
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Elder Kyle Thornton from the MTC - Aug 26, 1990
Leslie, I got a letter from Mary Robertson in my Box! Surprised, yes, well she wished me luck and advised me from any more card games for the next two years! Just thought you'd want to know. Yahoo, the Church is true! E.T.
Brother Parker - 8-26-90
Excuse. No, I think not and I'm sorry!
Brother Parker, true the MTC is Outstanding and now that I've been here a week and a half two areas of missionary service have truly hit home, love and obedience. Though discussed at length in the Program and in conversation I know that it's the love that you have for your investigators (or Tour) that brings the S[irit and then with the Spirit you will be successful in teaching. "For it's the Spirit that matters most." Pres. Benson.
Here are a few of the events of my stay thus far. My comp is from Waller, Texas! Pop 1300! He's great. We are working well together and he likes to work so we're having a fantastic time! Though I['m excited to leave the MTC, I'm very nervous and almost scared a little. Up to this point everything has been a role play, but I know the spirit will be with me if I live for it.
If you could, Bro. Parker, make another Guide Rule: Wake up every morning at 6:00! It's so hard for me. Now at least I can hear my alarm. When I arrived I was a rock, now I'm starting to wake up. Tell the Guides to in addition to studying the Missionary Guide and Love, to GET UP! :) Wow! That's hard for me!
Elder Willis leaves Tuesday morning at 6:30 for Greece. I saw him this morning and at dinner and can you can CABIN FEVER! He just wants to leave! We talked a minute then I went to Priesthood, but he's doing well.
Another event I was assigned as the A.P. to our Branch President. I've now been it for one week and luckily no major pillow fights or 911 calls so I'm doing okay I guess. Can you say responsobility...Yikes!
Brother Parker, thank you for your example and friendship. You can print anything you want, but here's my letter to the guys. Sorry, that's dumb. I'm just going to write. Again thanks and the Program has, especially since I am going stateside, increased my vision and desire for the work. Thank you and Brother Vega and the never ending Bro. Bowden.
My brothers in the field! I've been honored to hear your words through the GUIDElines. I softened the heart of Brother Parker to give me the June and July/Aug issues before I had left and I'm so glad he did! To read of your experiences, trials, and faith ha inspired me! I am in the MTC now and (if you don't know) will be serving in the Oregon Eugene Mission! EXCITED, indeed! I can't wait to preach the gospel and let the spirit teach the truths we love. I talked with Elder Duffin today, Yes! he's still here going on 13 weeks, and he said, "Never, never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever! Give Up! (Unless you rvisa is late!" Elder Willis leaves for Athens Greece Monday to walk the streets where Paul walked! I love you Elders with all my heart. Thanks, Russell, Geoff, Marlin, David, Craig, Ryan, Jeff and so many others. My prayers are always with you and the people you are teaching. Last night I had my CGM "Culture Meeting," and Elder Hansen said to the group, "I hope you are praying for your areas now, even before your leave, so they can accept the Gospel!" I love the MTC and the Oregon people! My Brothers, let us press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, keeping our arms on the plow and our hearts to the Lord!
(Alma 17:2-3)
Love, Elder Kyle Thornton, Oregon Eugene Mission, 1142 Willagillespie Road, Suite 32, Eurgen, Oregon 97401. Thanks, Bro. Parker
Leslie, I got a letter from Mary Robertson in my Box! Surprised, yes, well she wished me luck and advised me from any more card games for the next two years! Just thought you'd want to know. Yahoo, the Church is true! E.T.
Brother Parker - 8-26-90
Excuse. No, I think not and I'm sorry!
Brother Parker, true the MTC is Outstanding and now that I've been here a week and a half two areas of missionary service have truly hit home, love and obedience. Though discussed at length in the Program and in conversation I know that it's the love that you have for your investigators (or Tour) that brings the S[irit and then with the Spirit you will be successful in teaching. "For it's the Spirit that matters most." Pres. Benson.
Here are a few of the events of my stay thus far. My comp is from Waller, Texas! Pop 1300! He's great. We are working well together and he likes to work so we're having a fantastic time! Though I['m excited to leave the MTC, I'm very nervous and almost scared a little. Up to this point everything has been a role play, but I know the spirit will be with me if I live for it.
If you could, Bro. Parker, make another Guide Rule: Wake up every morning at 6:00! It's so hard for me. Now at least I can hear my alarm. When I arrived I was a rock, now I'm starting to wake up. Tell the Guides to in addition to studying the Missionary Guide and Love, to GET UP! :) Wow! That's hard for me!
Elder Willis leaves Tuesday morning at 6:30 for Greece. I saw him this morning and at dinner and can you can CABIN FEVER! He just wants to leave! We talked a minute then I went to Priesthood, but he's doing well.
Another event I was assigned as the A.P. to our Branch President. I've now been it for one week and luckily no major pillow fights or 911 calls so I'm doing okay I guess. Can you say responsobility...Yikes!
Brother Parker, thank you for your example and friendship. You can print anything you want, but here's my letter to the guys. Sorry, that's dumb. I'm just going to write. Again thanks and the Program has, especially since I am going stateside, increased my vision and desire for the work. Thank you and Brother Vega and the never ending Bro. Bowden.
My brothers in the field! I've been honored to hear your words through the GUIDElines. I softened the heart of Brother Parker to give me the June and July/Aug issues before I had left and I'm so glad he did! To read of your experiences, trials, and faith ha inspired me! I am in the MTC now and (if you don't know) will be serving in the Oregon Eugene Mission! EXCITED, indeed! I can't wait to preach the gospel and let the spirit teach the truths we love. I talked with Elder Duffin today, Yes! he's still here going on 13 weeks, and he said, "Never, never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever! Give Up! (Unless you rvisa is late!" Elder Willis leaves for Athens Greece Monday to walk the streets where Paul walked! I love you Elders with all my heart. Thanks, Russell, Geoff, Marlin, David, Craig, Ryan, Jeff and so many others. My prayers are always with you and the people you are teaching. Last night I had my CGM "Culture Meeting," and Elder Hansen said to the group, "I hope you are praying for your areas now, even before your leave, so they can accept the Gospel!" I love the MTC and the Oregon people! My Brothers, let us press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, keeping our arms on the plow and our hearts to the Lord!
(Alma 17:2-3)
Love, Elder Kyle Thornton, Oregon Eugene Mission, 1142 Willagillespie Road, Suite 32, Eurgen, Oregon 97401. Thanks, Bro. Parker
Photos from the New Era 'Shoot'
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Trevor and Katie |
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Trevor, Jason and Leslie Bigler |
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Jason Bagley and Trevor Barrett teaching a family. |
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Elder Kimball and James |
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Emily Good and Curtis |
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Laurie and Katie |
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BARZ expounding! |
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Curtis and Kyle teaching a "family." |
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Kyle Thornton and Curtis Nielsen |
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Eric Richardson, Todd Hatch, Brian Buell, BARZ, Trent Allen |
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Scotty and James Boddy at the Rock |
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Scotty at the Rock |
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Keith Bacon |
Monday, January 17, 2011
Edler Riggs from Japan - GUIDElines a Big Boost!
Dear Brother Parker - 30 Aug 1990
Thank you so much for GUIDElines. What a Big Boost! I was uplifted when I heard about the success of my brethren that my soul almost separated from my body so great was my joy (see Alma 27:14-16) :)
A good friend of mine said something very true. He said that only the proud and the rich are sent to Japan. Now, we know that Elders Porter and Huish are sent for the latter reason, but I, Myself, must be credited with the former. Luckily, recently I've conquered humility. I don't know about you or the rest of my brethren but there's nobody more humble than me. I'm so humble that I['m proud of it! :) (I think SWK was wise when he said, "The minute you've recognized your own humility, you've lost it.)
Anyways, despite my weaknesses, the Lord continues to bless this person over here. I'd like to share a wonderful experience that happened a couple of months ago that has relations to you, my Dear Brother Parker.
My companion and I really wanted to see a baptism in the month of June. So we entered into a covenant with the Lord in order to see this wonderful blessing. We would sacrifice certain things to show God that we were serious about receiving this goal. We prayed with faith, and worked with faith. We knew that if we would remain worthy and faithful, the Lord would bless us with this baptism.
We had an eternal investigator who had been listening to the discussions for two years. He knew the Church was true, but he didn't have that personal witness/confirmation to make the plunge. We decided to concentrate on him as our baptism.
By the 119th of the month he hadn't progressed at all well. My faith started to slack off. No change for two years. Why would he change now? But thanks to your wonderful daughter, who was worthy and sensitive enough to receive inspiration, on the 20th of June, the day I was thinking about dropping this fine man, I received a letter from your daughter. She had written a P.S. on a memo while she was at work She sent it to me and it said, "Don't be discouraged if your investigators don't keep the commitments. My Dad didn't budge for 9 months before he was baptized."
That was just what I needed to hear, Bro. Parker. So with renewed faith we met with him on Tuesday the 22nd. It was a wonderfully spiritual lesson. He accepted the baptismal commitment! The next day he was interviewed and received baptism on the 24th of June. He is now a strong member in the ward.
Brother Parker, God Lives! He leads and guides this Church. Revelation and Inspiration are real. I will be eternally grateful to Leslie for receiving that inspiration and acting according to it.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. I am so grateful to be on His side. Fighting for Truth. Fighting against the Destroyer and proclaiming the gospel of salvation. This Church is True, Brother Parker. I know it! I love you, and I love my brethren. Take care. Elder Ryan Riggs
David Porter on Companionships - 27 ago 1990
Dear Brother Parker,
My deepest apologies for not writing sooner. I feel as if I am the one who lost out by not staying in close contact the past two months. You have my promise I will do better.
What a thrill it was to receive the last GUIDElines. I continue to be amazed at the impact the GUIDElines is having in the lives of so many missionaries. I assure you Brother Parker, you have no idea how much it helps. You see, in the mission there are challenges you would never think of had you not experienced them. I can personally testify that Satan tries to make you think and believe you are not the missionary you hoped or thought you could be. The GUIDElines serves as a reminder (there is that word again REMEMBER) of who we really are, and that there are others experiencing the same things.
I also continue to be amazed at the wisdom I can draw from each letter as I read and re-read them. I am so honored to feel a part of such a mighty force of missionaries.
I must comment on the letter of Lance Williams that appeared in the July 15/Aug 5 issue. He said, "Our actions are an excellent reflection of the state of our testimony(ies)." What a wonderfully true statement. I would not try to enhance on what he said and the inherent wisdom that these words carry, but I would recommend re-reading Lance's letter.
[You're right, David, I have used his letter several times in teaching the Guides.]
Brother Parker, I want to share some thoughts on companionships. I have now completed seven months in the mission field and have experienced three completely different companions. However, from each I have learned things that will serve me for the rest of my life. I am sure all of you have discovered that as Youth Guides we lived in a very sheltered environment, surrounded by people whose only desire was to please the Lord. Although at times during the mission we may be blessed with companions that have these same desires, I am positive that all of us will have the opportunity to be with those who we can help see the vision. I believe the Lord wants it that way.
I do not pretend to have mastered this topic in any way. I continue to struggle with it on a daily basis. However, I feel it might help some of you to know that you are not alone in this struggle.
I have come to believe that nothing is worth contention in the companionship. The Lord taught us the importance of 'being one' in his great intercessory prayer in John 17. The Savior also said, "Be one, and if ye are not one, ye are not mine." If we don't have our eyes fixed on the same vision we can never reach our full potential. I have learned that I should never try and teach when I don't feel my companion and I are one.
The Key I believe is communication. Never harbor negative feelings, even if your companion is not compliendo con la reglas. (That was a fun statement for me. I was just reading along and the Great David lapsed into his Spanish Pen and wrote what I believe means, "complying with the rules."] Prayer, patience, and humility are important. I am convinced that a large part of our mission is to help our companions succeed. I have no doubt that we are put with specific companions for reasons that sometimes we can't see. There was a time in my mission when I wept every morning in my prayers asking the Lord why I was put with a companion who didn't desire to work and keep the rules like I knew we could. How wise the Lord is to not always give us what we want. As I now try to motivate other missionaries I realize how important the experience really was.
"For verily I say, as y have assembled yourselves together according to the commandment wherewith I commanded you, and agreed as touching this one thing, and have asked the Father in my name, even so, ye shall receive!" (D&C 42:3) We can truly receive, but we must be united! (Try a 'companionship hug' every morning and night -- it helps if it is done with Love)
I need to close. I wish I could have 30 minutes to talk with each one of you. I know I would learn so muh.
Brother Parker, the Youth Guide Program continues to amaze me. The Lord is truly with you.
Please give my love to all the Guides. I also believe your Christmas idea is excellent. I will pull together all the memories and sort out what I learned that I feel would help.
The Church is true. I had no idea before my mission of the great responsibility we have. This work isn't just going to fill the earth on its own. We have got to make it happen through our faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
May it be so.
God bless you Brother Parker. If you only knew how much I love you!
Elder David Porter
P.S. Tell Robin Roberts he has a letter coming.
My deepest apologies for not writing sooner. I feel as if I am the one who lost out by not staying in close contact the past two months. You have my promise I will do better.
What a thrill it was to receive the last GUIDElines. I continue to be amazed at the impact the GUIDElines is having in the lives of so many missionaries. I assure you Brother Parker, you have no idea how much it helps. You see, in the mission there are challenges you would never think of had you not experienced them. I can personally testify that Satan tries to make you think and believe you are not the missionary you hoped or thought you could be. The GUIDElines serves as a reminder (there is that word again REMEMBER) of who we really are, and that there are others experiencing the same things.
I also continue to be amazed at the wisdom I can draw from each letter as I read and re-read them. I am so honored to feel a part of such a mighty force of missionaries.
I must comment on the letter of Lance Williams that appeared in the July 15/Aug 5 issue. He said, "Our actions are an excellent reflection of the state of our testimony(ies)." What a wonderfully true statement. I would not try to enhance on what he said and the inherent wisdom that these words carry, but I would recommend re-reading Lance's letter.
[You're right, David, I have used his letter several times in teaching the Guides.]
Brother Parker, I want to share some thoughts on companionships. I have now completed seven months in the mission field and have experienced three completely different companions. However, from each I have learned things that will serve me for the rest of my life. I am sure all of you have discovered that as Youth Guides we lived in a very sheltered environment, surrounded by people whose only desire was to please the Lord. Although at times during the mission we may be blessed with companions that have these same desires, I am positive that all of us will have the opportunity to be with those who we can help see the vision. I believe the Lord wants it that way.
I do not pretend to have mastered this topic in any way. I continue to struggle with it on a daily basis. However, I feel it might help some of you to know that you are not alone in this struggle.
I have come to believe that nothing is worth contention in the companionship. The Lord taught us the importance of 'being one' in his great intercessory prayer in John 17. The Savior also said, "Be one, and if ye are not one, ye are not mine." If we don't have our eyes fixed on the same vision we can never reach our full potential. I have learned that I should never try and teach when I don't feel my companion and I are one.
The Key I believe is communication. Never harbor negative feelings, even if your companion is not compliendo con la reglas. (That was a fun statement for me. I was just reading along and the Great David lapsed into his Spanish Pen and wrote what I believe means, "complying with the rules."] Prayer, patience, and humility are important. I am convinced that a large part of our mission is to help our companions succeed. I have no doubt that we are put with specific companions for reasons that sometimes we can't see. There was a time in my mission when I wept every morning in my prayers asking the Lord why I was put with a companion who didn't desire to work and keep the rules like I knew we could. How wise the Lord is to not always give us what we want. As I now try to motivate other missionaries I realize how important the experience really was.
"For verily I say, as y have assembled yourselves together according to the commandment wherewith I commanded you, and agreed as touching this one thing, and have asked the Father in my name, even so, ye shall receive!" (D&C 42:3) We can truly receive, but we must be united! (Try a 'companionship hug' every morning and night -- it helps if it is done with Love)
I need to close. I wish I could have 30 minutes to talk with each one of you. I know I would learn so muh.
Brother Parker, the Youth Guide Program continues to amaze me. The Lord is truly with you.
Please give my love to all the Guides. I also believe your Christmas idea is excellent. I will pull together all the memories and sort out what I learned that I feel would help.
The Church is true. I had no idea before my mission of the great responsibility we have. This work isn't just going to fill the earth on its own. We have got to make it happen through our faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
May it be so.
God bless you Brother Parker. If you only knew how much I love you!
Elder David Porter
P.S. Tell Robin Roberts he has a letter coming.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
GUIDElines - September 19, 1990 - Letters from Jarvis and Richardson
Bro. Parker,
How are you doing on the other side of the border? Yep, yep, ye. I got my visa, and I am in an airplane that just left Mexico City and is leaving for Torreon, an excellent mission. Well, sorry for not writing too, it sees like all the Guides are saying that. It either means that it is because of a busy schedule, or they put a girl friend's letter 1sst, or just lazy like I had been. No, all the Guides missionaries are harvesting like crazy, from the sounds of the letters. Well, in the MTC, I had a companion. Now the 1st couple of weeks everything was cool. But after awhile,I would always get to see Elder Driggs, Elder Duffin, Elder Murdock, Elder Richardson, and other, Elder Bowden, etc. Guides now missionaries in the halls at dinner times, large meetings for everyone and we would say 'hi' and things. One night my companion asked how he thought our companionship was going. I told him I thought okay, then asked him. He said you have a lot of friends from Mesa you say hi to and stuff and that he felt left out. He joined the Army in 11th grade and I guess didn't have very good friends there, from what he was saying. That just made me appreciate the good friendships we all have as Guides. I never realized it until then that there is something awesome that we build together as Tour Guides, and I am very thankful for all the love, service, friendship, brotherhood, and especially example everyone is to me. Especially at the MTC. Well, adios,
Elder (Har-vie-s) Spanish accent
Elder Jarvis
Thanx!, Marlin, for saying that kind one word. You're AWESOME!
P.S. Tell Todd Hatch he almost made it to Torreon in his mission call, but Tempico will be awesome. Mexico es bien chido.
I hope you can read my handwriting. [I could, barely!]
Does Dalin Crandell qualify for GUIDElines? [Yes.] [Dalin was killed in a tragic accident later and is memorialized in a special edition of GUIDElines for his mother.]
There's not enough time in the MTC to do all the studying you want. I will get into a subject andin 30 min have to stop. I have never had a great scriptorian knowledge and I want to gain it, but there's not enough time for that. But that's not the purpose for me being here either. It's part though.
Sorry this is so short and messy, but I have a lot to do. I don't know if I totally fulfilled whatyou wanted me to do in the letter but I will continue to try to help the Guides there at home by what I learn here. (You don't need to put in what's on the envelope - you can do whatever you want w/it.)
Bro. Parker, this is interesting, and you might already know, but it seems to me to be a lot like the Guide program. We learn the discussions almost word for word and then personalize it! :) Sound familier? It's like learning the Tour. It's fun and it brings back good memories when I got through the tour real quick!
[Now for INSIDE the letter!]
Bro. Parker - 7/1/90
I got tired of writing on the back of the envelope every time I thought of something to say, so I'm just going to write it as it comes on paper.
Today has been great and real interesting. We released President Pinegar and sustained President Richard K. Klian (sp?) formerly from the Germany Hamburg Mission as the new President. It was just like a Guide meeting, too. The sustainings and releasings brought back a lot of memories as well as the standing and singing of Called To Serve and the mentioning of the scriptures Alma 53:20-21 and Alma 17:2-3 by President Pinegar when he gave us his last minute counsel. It was a great meeting.
Also I just gave a blessing (there seems to be a lot of that going around) to Elder Jarvis who was having kind of a difficult time. He is doing great and just wants to be his best. He has so much love and shouldnot waste time being discouraged. My roommates and companion helped out. It was a very humbling experience. And I learned a lot of things. I realize more how much we depend on the Lord (and others) for support and how in turn w/ the spirit we need to be. I like to serve like that and I hope it is a righteous desire. I want to be worthy and the best I can be to be able to use the POWER of the Priesthood. You really feel a lot of love, giving those blessings, for the people in the circle and for the one receiving it.
I am so happy to be serving a mission, the Lord and others. There is no greater work and thanks to all my friend's great examples for helping me so much! You are a blessing in my life.
Sunday, August 5, 1990
I need to write before I leave the MTC. Sorry it has been so long, but I've been waiting for the GUIDElines to come. And I won't get any more mail before I leave (tomorrow).
[A thousand apologies for the lateness, again, of last month's GLs. I just counted how many more letters I have to input, there are 14 more, and it is already the 16th of September. I have almost reached my limit, gang, and can't beleive a man of only 45 (46 next month) is so exhausted! I will do better. I promise. Don['t stop writing, that would defeat the purpose of the GLs! I'll just pick up the speed a little.]
The MTC has been an incredible experience! It's going to be hard to leave and I can't believe how much I have learned and grown here. I have been blessed greatly here th teachers and an awesome district, all of whom show me so much love. I have learned so much from them. I had a good foundation to stand on before I got here, and if you can believe it, I actually found some things, actually a lot, that I need to work on and improve. I need to learn not to doubt - Mormon 9:21, 25 so my prayers may be answered and believe I can do things. I need to increase my faith to be a better missionary and be able to call down blessings from Heaven. (There's lots of scriptures that I have read here on that.) Also I need to be more humble to be guided by the Lord - D7C 112:10. And then I shouldn't ever be content with where I stand, meaning I should always be striving to improve - 2 Nephi 28:24-28. The scriptures really have opened up to me here, more than ever, and I really feel I need to work on these four things the most and I pray for them every night.
But the biggest lesson I have learned here is obedience. I sure hope I can take everything I've learned into the field and apply it.
I'm excited to get into the field and learn and grow and help others. There is nothing else that I would rather be doing than this. I love this mission already and I hope to see you soon!
Love, Elder Jeff Richardson
P.S. It has been so great to have been able to share this experience w/Elders Duffin, Murdock, Driggs, Jarvis, Bowden, Williams, Crandell, Western [who?], Gibson, and others who were here from the Program. They are great people and great friends. I am so lucky to be associated w/ them and to have been able to strengthen the bond we shared at the MTC. They were all a great support to me! I love them dearly. If anyone wants my address (it's the same for Elder Murdock), Argentina Trelew Mission, Casilla de Correo 251, 9100 Trelew, Chubut, Argentina.
(This is just a thought, it means nothing, do with it what you will) Brother Parker, please don't put this in [overruled] -- since I've been here, I was impressed a couple of times and it wasn't anything big, but there is a quote by President Benson which says, "The heart of pride is competition." And I don't know, but that made me think of the Sword of Laban. Maybe there is another way to get others to pass out cards, etc. Because some people can get hurt. But if no one gets hurt, I['m sure it would be fine. I liked the S. of L. when I was there. Do whatever.
Bro. Parker,
How are you doing on the other side of the border? Yep, yep, ye. I got my visa, and I am in an airplane that just left Mexico City and is leaving for Torreon, an excellent mission. Well, sorry for not writing too, it sees like all the Guides are saying that. It either means that it is because of a busy schedule, or they put a girl friend's letter 1sst, or just lazy like I had been. No, all the Guides missionaries are harvesting like crazy, from the sounds of the letters. Well, in the MTC, I had a companion. Now the 1st couple of weeks everything was cool. But after awhile,I would always get to see Elder Driggs, Elder Duffin, Elder Murdock, Elder Richardson, and other, Elder Bowden, etc. Guides now missionaries in the halls at dinner times, large meetings for everyone and we would say 'hi' and things. One night my companion asked how he thought our companionship was going. I told him I thought okay, then asked him. He said you have a lot of friends from Mesa you say hi to and stuff and that he felt left out. He joined the Army in 11th grade and I guess didn't have very good friends there, from what he was saying. That just made me appreciate the good friendships we all have as Guides. I never realized it until then that there is something awesome that we build together as Tour Guides, and I am very thankful for all the love, service, friendship, brotherhood, and especially example everyone is to me. Especially at the MTC. Well, adios,
Elder (Har-vie-s) Spanish accent
Elder Jarvis
Thanx!, Marlin, for saying that kind one word. You're AWESOME!
P.S. Tell Todd Hatch he almost made it to Torreon in his mission call, but Tempico will be awesome. Mexico es bien chido.
I hope you can read my handwriting. [I could, barely!]
Does Dalin Crandell qualify for GUIDElines? [Yes.] [Dalin was killed in a tragic accident later and is memorialized in a special edition of GUIDElines for his mother.]
There's not enough time in the MTC to do all the studying you want. I will get into a subject andin 30 min have to stop. I have never had a great scriptorian knowledge and I want to gain it, but there's not enough time for that. But that's not the purpose for me being here either. It's part though.
Sorry this is so short and messy, but I have a lot to do. I don't know if I totally fulfilled whatyou wanted me to do in the letter but I will continue to try to help the Guides there at home by what I learn here. (You don't need to put in what's on the envelope - you can do whatever you want w/it.)
Bro. Parker, this is interesting, and you might already know, but it seems to me to be a lot like the Guide program. We learn the discussions almost word for word and then personalize it! :) Sound familier? It's like learning the Tour. It's fun and it brings back good memories when I got through the tour real quick!
[Now for INSIDE the letter!]
Bro. Parker - 7/1/90
I got tired of writing on the back of the envelope every time I thought of something to say, so I'm just going to write it as it comes on paper.
Today has been great and real interesting. We released President Pinegar and sustained President Richard K. Klian (sp?) formerly from the Germany Hamburg Mission as the new President. It was just like a Guide meeting, too. The sustainings and releasings brought back a lot of memories as well as the standing and singing of Called To Serve and the mentioning of the scriptures Alma 53:20-21 and Alma 17:2-3 by President Pinegar when he gave us his last minute counsel. It was a great meeting.
Also I just gave a blessing (there seems to be a lot of that going around) to Elder Jarvis who was having kind of a difficult time. He is doing great and just wants to be his best. He has so much love and shouldnot waste time being discouraged. My roommates and companion helped out. It was a very humbling experience. And I learned a lot of things. I realize more how much we depend on the Lord (and others) for support and how in turn w/ the spirit we need to be. I like to serve like that and I hope it is a righteous desire. I want to be worthy and the best I can be to be able to use the POWER of the Priesthood. You really feel a lot of love, giving those blessings, for the people in the circle and for the one receiving it.
I am so happy to be serving a mission, the Lord and others. There is no greater work and thanks to all my friend's great examples for helping me so much! You are a blessing in my life.
Sunday, August 5, 1990
I need to write before I leave the MTC. Sorry it has been so long, but I've been waiting for the GUIDElines to come. And I won't get any more mail before I leave (tomorrow).
[A thousand apologies for the lateness, again, of last month's GLs. I just counted how many more letters I have to input, there are 14 more, and it is already the 16th of September. I have almost reached my limit, gang, and can't beleive a man of only 45 (46 next month) is so exhausted! I will do better. I promise. Don['t stop writing, that would defeat the purpose of the GLs! I'll just pick up the speed a little.]
The MTC has been an incredible experience! It's going to be hard to leave and I can't believe how much I have learned and grown here. I have been blessed greatly here th teachers and an awesome district, all of whom show me so much love. I have learned so much from them. I had a good foundation to stand on before I got here, and if you can believe it, I actually found some things, actually a lot, that I need to work on and improve. I need to learn not to doubt - Mormon 9:21, 25 so my prayers may be answered and believe I can do things. I need to increase my faith to be a better missionary and be able to call down blessings from Heaven. (There's lots of scriptures that I have read here on that.) Also I need to be more humble to be guided by the Lord - D7C 112:10. And then I shouldn't ever be content with where I stand, meaning I should always be striving to improve - 2 Nephi 28:24-28. The scriptures really have opened up to me here, more than ever, and I really feel I need to work on these four things the most and I pray for them every night.
But the biggest lesson I have learned here is obedience. I sure hope I can take everything I've learned into the field and apply it.
I'm excited to get into the field and learn and grow and help others. There is nothing else that I would rather be doing than this. I love this mission already and I hope to see you soon!
Love, Elder Jeff Richardson
P.S. It has been so great to have been able to share this experience w/Elders Duffin, Murdock, Driggs, Jarvis, Bowden, Williams, Crandell, Western [who?], Gibson, and others who were here from the Program. They are great people and great friends. I am so lucky to be associated w/ them and to have been able to strengthen the bond we shared at the MTC. They were all a great support to me! I love them dearly. If anyone wants my address (it's the same for Elder Murdock), Argentina Trelew Mission, Casilla de Correo 251, 9100 Trelew, Chubut, Argentina.
(This is just a thought, it means nothing, do with it what you will) Brother Parker, please don't put this in [overruled] -- since I've been here, I was impressed a couple of times and it wasn't anything big, but there is a quote by President Benson which says, "The heart of pride is competition." And I don't know, but that made me think of the Sword of Laban. Maybe there is another way to get others to pass out cards, etc. Because some people can get hurt. But if no one gets hurt, I['m sure it would be fine. I liked the S. of L. when I was there. Do whatever.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
GUIDElines September 19, 1990 - reed huish - Fresh Material!
Dear Bob and 'the brethren':
Hey guys...I am back with some more fresh material. If the English in these letters is starting to get a little weird, well, good -- that means I'm getting better at one language (desho Marlin?).
I pray for my friends around the world and for the success of the Arizona Youth Guide Program. Missionary work is the greatest work on this world (and the next). I know that all of our lives will be changed after missions. If we sacrifice ourselves for God's cause we will have so much in return. Isn't it worth it to give up a handful of dust, when we are promised worlds without number?
The Quote of the Month:
If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. (Maugham)
and now on to . . .
Vol IV - The Perfect Missionary Profile
What makes up the perfect missionary? We are always searching to perfect and sanctify ourselves to be more effective stewards in the Lord's fields. We have many excellent examples of missionaries with great converting power. We have each read of these examples in the scriptures. Our greatest example, and the only perfect missionary, was Jesus Christ. He displayed an example in every facet of life that we will continue to learn and follow from.
Throughout Christ's three-year ministry he displayed to us the qualities necessary to be a perfect missionary. As few of the qualities that are not mentioned so often include:
As ye believe, so shall it be done unto you. (Jesus Christ)
Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit (Napoleon Hill)
If I had to cut wood for a day, I would spend the first hour sharpening the saw. (Abraham Lincoln)
If you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up someplace else. (Yogi Berra)
Many people have the right aim in life, but never get around to pulling the trigger. (Unknown)
The highest order of mind is accused of folly, as well as the lowest. Nothing is thoroughly approved by mediocrity. The majority has established this, and it fixes its fangs on whatever gets beyond it. (Pascal)
Common Sense
God gave a person two ends. How well he succeeds depends on which end he uses. Heads, he wins;
Tails, he looses. (Paul Dunn)
Common Sense is the key to knowledge; the path to open up information to practical application.
For without knowledge you are something; without common sense you are dangerous, and with both you are genius. (reed?)
These are all important character traits of a successful missionary. There is one that is more important than all of the above mentioned. It can compensate for any weakness and fault we have. That is The Spirit. The greatest tool we have in missionary work is the influence of the spirit on our investigator's lives. Through the power of god, by his spirit, whole cities are changed as with Ammon and Alma in America. The Spirit is an unquestionable witness to our investigators, and it will work miracles within them.
Our Heavenly Father desires deeply to bless us with his spirit so that we too may have great converting power as the great missionaries we have read about. The only way to receive the spirit is to be worthy of this spirit; completely obedient. As that is the law predicated upon receiving the power of the spirit.
This mission is a great test. It is one of the hardest things you will ever do. This test is adjusted to everyone differently -- with our own trials and challenges. The marvelous thing about this test is that you will grow more at this time, than probably any other in your life.
We each are not perfect. We all have many things that we could be doing better at. Let us all make a resolution to put away our old, worn-out habits and replace them with new, fresh habits. We are constantly growing, but the question is which way are we growing.
I challenge each of us to strive to follow the example of our Savior. Then we shall one day become as he is, and there could be no greater reward than that.
Your fellow servant,
Dear Bob:
Maybe you didn't realize it, but I have been working in the mission home now for many months. [I leaned over and whispered to your Dad in Stake Leadership Meeting Thursday, "Did reed ask his mission president if he could take his computer?" He said you didn't take one. What a surprise to me!] Just another aspect of missionary life! Baptisms sure a lot of fun!
The Quote of the Month:
It's better to light one small candle than to curse the dark.
and now on to . . .
Vol. V - Basic Tools for Missionaries
As servants of the Lord, we have been blessed with the greatest tools in the world to make us more effective missionaries. We have many resources to draw upon, including God himself. These pools of resources include the following:
Modern Day Revelation
Stake President
Mission President
Missionary Leaders
Other Missionaries
Missionary Guide
Personal Talent
Heavenly Father/Christ
Beyond the normal, often heard tools, we also have a few resources that can actually cause literal miracles to happen. Many times, these other powers are rarely, if at all, completely understood. Unfortunately, most missionaries don't realize what great power was there until the mantle of a missionary is gone. So let's delve into a couple of the special powers we have to work for us.
Why did President Benson, in the Priesthood Leadership Meeting (4 April 1986) say to the Priesthood holders:
There is no other body anywhere in the world today that meets for the same righteous purpose as does this group, nor is there any other group - political, religious, or military - that holds the power that you do here tonight.
Do we really believe this? When we look at the enormous military powers in the world: battleships, armies, tanks, fighters, generals, etc., do we realize that they are all human powered? Missionaries can be GOD POWERED.
When we only understand the Priesthood, we will understand God and his true nature. In reference to the Priesthood, the following has been stated:
As pertaining to eternity, priesthood is the eternal power and authority of Deity by which all things exist; by which they are created, governed, and controlled; by which the universe and worlds without number have come rolling into existence; by which the great plan of creation, redemption, and exultation operates throughout immensity. It is the power of God (Discourse, p. 130)
There is on power of god, the priesthood. But there are different levels or degrees of it. We, as the Lord's annointed hold the higher priesthood, or Melchizedek.
We can increase our ability to change peoples' lives through the priesthood. God wants to help us in this work. This is his work and glory. If we will only reach up, God will reach down the rest of the way. Through living a worthy life, we will gain the faith and power of God to perform miracles among the children of men.
Members - 8 Million Missionaries
Let's look at the scriptures to find out about member-missionary work. A close study of the scriptures reveals that only when members are involved, do large numbers of people join the Church.
This is not a new concept, but a basic understanding of the structure of the Church. The leadership and enthusiasm of the Bishop can fire up the members to be involved with missionary work. After all, it is a commandment from God. Isn't that what we teach in the discussions?
And the marvelous benefit of member missionary work? As a church we have three purposes. When members are involved in missionary work, all those three areas will excel to the level of the commitment of the members. You can't teach something unless you are devoted to it yourself!
Angels - The Other Church
Paul taught us that there is a church on the other side of the veil. And this church is formed with the same structure as ours is here on this earth. They also have the same purpose. We are actually one church.
There are four kinds of angels:
And the office of their ministry is to call men unto repentance, and to fulfil and to do the work of the covenants of the Father, which he hath made unto the children of men, to prepare the way among the children of men, by declaring the word of Christ unto the chosen vessels of the Lord, that they may bear testimony of him.
Once a missionary realizes that angels are called to the ministry just like we are, then we can call upon them for help in this work. That makes converting thousands of people not so overwhelming.
One day, we might even realize that angels have been closer to us throughout our lives than we could have ever imagined.
The Beginning
Let us all make the effort to use the great tools we have been given. We are not perfect ourselves, but are full of weakness and problems. But with the power of God on our side, miracles will happen.
Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thrash the nations by the power of my Spirit;
And their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shielf and their buckler; and I will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully for me; and their enemies shall be under their feet; and I will let fall the sword in their behalf, and by the fire of mine indignation will I preserve them. (D&C 35P:14-15)
Your servant,
Elder reed huish
Hey guys...I am back with some more fresh material. If the English in these letters is starting to get a little weird, well, good -- that means I'm getting better at one language (desho Marlin?).
I pray for my friends around the world and for the success of the Arizona Youth Guide Program. Missionary work is the greatest work on this world (and the next). I know that all of our lives will be changed after missions. If we sacrifice ourselves for God's cause we will have so much in return. Isn't it worth it to give up a handful of dust, when we are promised worlds without number?
The Quote of the Month:
If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. (Maugham)
and now on to . . .
Vol IV - The Perfect Missionary Profile
What makes up the perfect missionary? We are always searching to perfect and sanctify ourselves to be more effective stewards in the Lord's fields. We have many excellent examples of missionaries with great converting power. We have each read of these examples in the scriptures. Our greatest example, and the only perfect missionary, was Jesus Christ. He displayed an example in every facet of life that we will continue to learn and follow from.
Throughout Christ's three-year ministry he displayed to us the qualities necessary to be a perfect missionary. As few of the qualities that are not mentioned so often include:
As ye believe, so shall it be done unto you. (Jesus Christ)
Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit (Napoleon Hill)
If I had to cut wood for a day, I would spend the first hour sharpening the saw. (Abraham Lincoln)
If you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up someplace else. (Yogi Berra)
Many people have the right aim in life, but never get around to pulling the trigger. (Unknown)
The highest order of mind is accused of folly, as well as the lowest. Nothing is thoroughly approved by mediocrity. The majority has established this, and it fixes its fangs on whatever gets beyond it. (Pascal)
Common Sense
God gave a person two ends. How well he succeeds depends on which end he uses. Heads, he wins;
Tails, he looses. (Paul Dunn)
Common Sense is the key to knowledge; the path to open up information to practical application.
For without knowledge you are something; without common sense you are dangerous, and with both you are genius. (reed?)
These are all important character traits of a successful missionary. There is one that is more important than all of the above mentioned. It can compensate for any weakness and fault we have. That is The Spirit. The greatest tool we have in missionary work is the influence of the spirit on our investigator's lives. Through the power of god, by his spirit, whole cities are changed as with Ammon and Alma in America. The Spirit is an unquestionable witness to our investigators, and it will work miracles within them.
Our Heavenly Father desires deeply to bless us with his spirit so that we too may have great converting power as the great missionaries we have read about. The only way to receive the spirit is to be worthy of this spirit; completely obedient. As that is the law predicated upon receiving the power of the spirit.
This mission is a great test. It is one of the hardest things you will ever do. This test is adjusted to everyone differently -- with our own trials and challenges. The marvelous thing about this test is that you will grow more at this time, than probably any other in your life.
We each are not perfect. We all have many things that we could be doing better at. Let us all make a resolution to put away our old, worn-out habits and replace them with new, fresh habits. We are constantly growing, but the question is which way are we growing.
I challenge each of us to strive to follow the example of our Savior. Then we shall one day become as he is, and there could be no greater reward than that.
Your fellow servant,
Dear Bob:
Maybe you didn't realize it, but I have been working in the mission home now for many months. [I leaned over and whispered to your Dad in Stake Leadership Meeting Thursday, "Did reed ask his mission president if he could take his computer?" He said you didn't take one. What a surprise to me!] Just another aspect of missionary life! Baptisms sure a lot of fun!
The Quote of the Month:
It's better to light one small candle than to curse the dark.
and now on to . . .
Vol. V - Basic Tools for Missionaries
As servants of the Lord, we have been blessed with the greatest tools in the world to make us more effective missionaries. We have many resources to draw upon, including God himself. These pools of resources include the following:
Modern Day Revelation
Stake President
Mission President
Missionary Leaders
Other Missionaries
Missionary Guide
Personal Talent
Heavenly Father/Christ
Beyond the normal, often heard tools, we also have a few resources that can actually cause literal miracles to happen. Many times, these other powers are rarely, if at all, completely understood. Unfortunately, most missionaries don't realize what great power was there until the mantle of a missionary is gone. So let's delve into a couple of the special powers we have to work for us.
Why did President Benson, in the Priesthood Leadership Meeting (4 April 1986) say to the Priesthood holders:
There is no other body anywhere in the world today that meets for the same righteous purpose as does this group, nor is there any other group - political, religious, or military - that holds the power that you do here tonight.
Do we really believe this? When we look at the enormous military powers in the world: battleships, armies, tanks, fighters, generals, etc., do we realize that they are all human powered? Missionaries can be GOD POWERED.
When we only understand the Priesthood, we will understand God and his true nature. In reference to the Priesthood, the following has been stated:
As pertaining to eternity, priesthood is the eternal power and authority of Deity by which all things exist; by which they are created, governed, and controlled; by which the universe and worlds without number have come rolling into existence; by which the great plan of creation, redemption, and exultation operates throughout immensity. It is the power of God (Discourse, p. 130)
There is on power of god, the priesthood. But there are different levels or degrees of it. We, as the Lord's annointed hold the higher priesthood, or Melchizedek.
We can increase our ability to change peoples' lives through the priesthood. God wants to help us in this work. This is his work and glory. If we will only reach up, God will reach down the rest of the way. Through living a worthy life, we will gain the faith and power of God to perform miracles among the children of men.
Members - 8 Million Missionaries
Let's look at the scriptures to find out about member-missionary work. A close study of the scriptures reveals that only when members are involved, do large numbers of people join the Church.
- Abinadi calls Alma, a church member to repentance. Alma converts thousands after his repentance. (Mosiah 25:14-24)
- Church members remember their duties and three thousand are baptized (Alma 4:1-5)'
- Alma calls local members to do missionary work. In time the church became throughout the whole land.(Alma 16:15)
This is not a new concept, but a basic understanding of the structure of the Church. The leadership and enthusiasm of the Bishop can fire up the members to be involved with missionary work. After all, it is a commandment from God. Isn't that what we teach in the discussions?
And the marvelous benefit of member missionary work? As a church we have three purposes. When members are involved in missionary work, all those three areas will excel to the level of the commitment of the members. You can't teach something unless you are devoted to it yourself!
Angels - The Other Church
Paul taught us that there is a church on the other side of the veil. And this church is formed with the same structure as ours is here on this earth. They also have the same purpose. We are actually one church.
There are four kinds of angels:
- Spirits who have not yet assumed mortal bodies,
- Mortals who have been translated,
- The spirits of righteous people who have died, and
- Resurrected beings.
And the office of their ministry is to call men unto repentance, and to fulfil and to do the work of the covenants of the Father, which he hath made unto the children of men, to prepare the way among the children of men, by declaring the word of Christ unto the chosen vessels of the Lord, that they may bear testimony of him.
Once a missionary realizes that angels are called to the ministry just like we are, then we can call upon them for help in this work. That makes converting thousands of people not so overwhelming.
One day, we might even realize that angels have been closer to us throughout our lives than we could have ever imagined.
The Beginning
Let us all make the effort to use the great tools we have been given. We are not perfect ourselves, but are full of weakness and problems. But with the power of God on our side, miracles will happen.
Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thrash the nations by the power of my Spirit;
And their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shielf and their buckler; and I will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully for me; and their enemies shall be under their feet; and I will let fall the sword in their behalf, and by the fire of mine indignation will I preserve them. (D&C 35P:14-15)
Your servant,
Elder reed huish
Friday, January 14, 2011
Barrett New President!
[This is from GUIDElines Vol. 1, No. 7, September 19, 1990 – Dedicated to Geoff Willis – For All Those Letters!]
This issue starts with the headlines: Barrett New President. “Trevor the Awesome” Called to Lead Program. Wisdom Teeth out on Friday, Mission Call to Brazil on Saturday, Sustained as President Sunday! He still holds record – Referrals every Monday night for two months!
A banner in the middle of the front page said: THIS ISSUE IS SPECIAL! We have a message from Elder and Sister Kimball to all those Guide/Missionaries around the world that they met in the MTC. Elder Brown tells a tale of ulcers and a baptism, Elder Duffin stays at MTC for six extra weeks and writes about the ordeal and next time wants to use MASTERCHARGE instead of waiting for VISA, Elder CAN-WIN Jensen is now assigned to Mission Office as AP (he may not think he’s an AP, but he is), Elder CHILE Jensen writes of joys and woes, Elder huish gives us a triple dose of wisdom, Elder Jarvis’ first letter from MEHICO, Elder Richardson from the MTC, Elder Murdock (ditto), Elder D. Porter on Comps., Elder Riggs’ faith is rewarded, Elder Thornton wakes up at MTC, Elder Turley clowns with GA’s wives, Elder Willams loves MTC & IDAHO, and ever faithful Elder (GETOUTAHEREIMONMYMISSIONFINALLYANDIT’SGRRRRR8!)
Willis says Greece ain’t so bad, what with a view form his window of the Parthenon and baptizing in the Aegean Sea! WOW A N D more ….
Persistence pays off! I usually don’t vaunt the President but this time I guess I am a little partial. (Leslie says, “Everyone knows you have your favorites, Dad.” What she doesn’t realize is that no father has a favorite among his children, and Brother Parker doesn’t have a favorite among the Guide/Missionaries. A father loves all his children the same. As it is with me in the Program. I understand why Helaman called the Ancient Warriors his “sons” and I hope you will understand if I do the same with the Guide/Missionaries!)
With that in mind, I still appreciate Trevor’s total dedication to working last Christmas at the entrance to the Visitors’ Center. (There was a good chance he was “scamming on the girls” at first, but didn’t all of you, at one time or another?) However, night after night he stood at the doors, just a lowly Ammonite, and helped where we really needed him. There were some Guides who goofed off while he served and I believe he is being blessed now for that. If serving as President is any kind of reward! Those of you who were here remember how hard it was to fill the Ammonite spots and still have Guides to give tours in the Gardens. I can remember Marlin Porter as ZL being the only person there at starting time and the look on his face of incredulity, and a little hurt. I told him, “Now you know what leadership is all about. Sometimes you’re the only one who shows up.”
In addition to all of that, I can’t tell you how much I admire a man who will drive 80 miles roundtrip many times a week to fulfill his assignments at the SNTM and the Center. In my youth, it was 20 miles to my high school and I can remember how much time it took and what a sacrifice it was for my parents to support me in all the activities I participated in. Come to think of it, it was the same 20 miles to church. That’s one of the reasons I appreciate living six minutes from the temple!
For Fast Sunday in August, six of us (Leslie, Evan Vance, Curtis Nielson, Eric Richardson, and Robin Roberts and myself) drove over and surprised Trevor and accompanied him to his Testimony Meeting. It was good for some of the youth who have lived in Mesa all their lies to go to a small Singles Branch and see how the other half lives. The number in the meeting was about the same as a SNTM. (Oh, you guys remember 200 at some of those meetings. Those days are long gone. For almost six months we averaged 46 in attendance!)
I had a beautiful temple session two weeks ago Saturday. During the session, I felt impressed to ask Heavenly Father to send Trevor to Brazil. For some reason, out of all the missions where we have Guides, I keep feeling like the ones in Brazil are in the hardest missions. Anyway, I asked Heavenly Father to send Trevor there, perhaps if only as a symbolic act of strengthening the testimonies of those already there.
Well, after the session I had made arrangements to go over to Barrett’s house to talk to his parents and make sure they really knew what he was getting into as President of the Program. Living 40 miles from the temple can put a real burden on a guy, and being President on top of that might create a real strain. I also wanted to chat with him and get him started out right. We were planning a Parent’s Night, the first one in ages, and I wanted to make sure it went well.
Anyway, after we had talked for awhile, he asked if I wanted to know where he got his call to. His mother couldn’t wait and said it was out of the country. I knew then where it was and told him I thought I had a good idea! Then he said Recife Brazil and he would be leaving on December 12th. That meant he could serve a full term as President, 2.5 months, and also that my prayer had been answered!
Now, you guys in Brazil need to write me and tell me that I am all wet. Otherwise, I will continue to believe that you’re having a rough time. Richard sent a good letter this month. It appears he’s having fun hobnobbing with the GA’s wives…then again, who wouldn’t?
We hadn’t had a Parents’ Night for quite awhile and so I knew we could expect 50 parents…but this has been by far our largest meeting since last summer! We counted 150 people in attendance. Brother Bowden was in rare form doing his Baptist Minister impressions. Lots and lots of parents, many of Ammonites. It was fun!
I handed out a mall card, you know the ones they used to sell at the Center, to each person that came up until I ran out at 125. We are trying to decide if we want to sell them and make a nickel on each. (Barrett, a DJ, says in one dance he can help us make $800.00. Needless to say, the Presidency is leaning toward the dance. How many nickels are there in $800.00?)
Keith Bacon was released as President and Trevor’s ZL position was taken by Scott Simmons (way to go Jeff Richardson…you brought us someone as awesome as you as your replacement. He sends in his papers next week. Maybe we’ll have him through Christmas.) DLs all stayed the same: Paul Whetten, Jason Haws, Dan Roberts, Trent Allen, Derek Madsen, and Brent Moore. TSs called were Glade Smith and Jason Bagley. Tim martin changed nights and was called as a RS, along with Elijah Williams and Jamie Phelps. Catherine Pitts was released as Secretary and Leslie Bigler was called to take her place. Catherine will now Edit the Youth Guide Messenger (alias Jershon Journal, Brother Bowden changed the name). Brother Bowden wants us to have your parents pick it up each month at the Center. We’re still working out the details. He first wanted to pay for the postage on the GUIDElines and I flatly rejected that. I told him Claudia and I decided it could be my hobby!
Tuesday evening the Kimballs, Brother Bowden, myself, Eric Richardson, Trevor, Scott, Shaleigh Kimball, and Evan Vance met with the Stake Presidencies and all the Bishops for the Tempe South and Tempe West Stakes to outline the upcoming Tri-Stake Fireside and the Guide Program. It was good training for Guides and the Fireside will be a great deal of fun. Madsen is doing a video, like last year’s. I want to invite parents and have about 500 people there! Pray for us. This meeting will affect Tempe for ten years or more as those Bishops and their counselors counsel the youth about the Program. When Eric realized this, he got stressed out. He is the coordinator for the event, along with the Presidency.
Dear Youth Guide Graduates in the Field:
Sister Kimball and I remember with nostalgia the time we spent with you at the MTC. We made it to the Arizona Temple Visitors’ Center and we love this land of “milk and honey.” Every time we talk, or bear testimony about the Youth Guide Program, we tell about how you “mowed ‘em down” at the MTC and what an AWESOME group you are. Keep it up! We’re proud of you! Our prayers are with you always.
Love, Elder and Sister Kimball
Richard Wright came to a meeting a week or two ago and played a piano solo of Nearer My God To Thee that was exquisite! He’s off to NAU … our loss for awhile.
Kathy Webb was back for awhile. She’s moving permanently to Utah. That’s sad for Tim Penrod.
Curtis Nielson is in a play at MCC and then will go on his mission. His Dad thinks he has that backwards.
Randy Morris and Jason Haws are as inseparable as ever. They have this mysterious plan for Christmas that is too long to tell about in a few minutes. Something about Eagles and a video. I can’t decide whether I am miffed or glad not to have to be behind everything.
The Mexican we prayed for (Paul Whetten) had his whole life changed. His parents have now moved the whole family from Mexico to Mesa! His grandparents (the DeWits) are back from their mission. It was sure good to see them. They are the first to come back of the ones I called as Adult Guides.
Dan Roberts got four (4!) referrals a week ago. It was grrrrr8!
Leslie Bigler is going to make a really good Secretary.
To make up for not thinking to let Catherine bear her testimony when she was released as Secretary, I have decided to ask Sister Kimball to work with Catherine in doing a Sisters’ Conference…or (since Sis. Kimball knows all the big boys) having them work on getting a GA to come speak to the Guides before Christmas!
Trent Allen, Derek Madsen, and Brent Moore are doing awesome as DLs. Brent has a 100% group working. Trent had 12 people down on his night last week.
Glade Smith is getting closer to having his papers go in.
Shaleigh Kimball is as faithful as ever and did an excellent job speaking to the Stake Presidencies and Bishops about the Ammonites and Star Test.
Haven’t heard much from James Boddy lately. Can you imagine him as a Training Specialist?
Jason Bagley is blossoming. He’s into this new thing called Nu Skin. Hopes to make a million dollars doing it.
Debbie Miner and Emily Good…the only word is AWESOME!
Katie Pospisil is hosting a Second Annual Halloween Party this year at her place. Wasn’t it AWESOME last year?
Heber Allen is fun. My latest assignment to him is to find out how Heber C. Kimball and Wilford Woodruff baptized 1,000’s in England so that we can teach it in the Program for Christmas.
Tim Martin, the ever faithful.
Elijah Williams and Jamie Phelps are “comers” as Brother Bowden would say.
Most of you have no idea who Brian Buell is. I can prophesy at this time that AWESOME will be inadequate to assess his performance when it is all said and done. He works as a model RS. His book is up to date and fabulous. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Brother Bowden has asked them to get all the applications, data sheets, and a bunch of other things done for each person in the Program and to have each person have a folder. The Records Specialists are working their buns off doing it. Brian is the best!
GTs are Kyle Smith, Jodi Reed, Nathan Nichols, Kayla Lane, Steve Jensen, Kent Power (he finally came back, David), Billy Miner, Danene Jarvis, Darren Sherwood, and Steve Boren. Steve Jensen was funny. I said are you related to the Jensens at Mountain View. He said no, but his personal hero was Joe Jensen! I asked if he knew the Jensen Twins. He said no. I said, Joe couldn’t hold a candle to our former AWESOME Zone Leaders. It was then that I realized that all our kids are grrrrr8!
Katina sacrificed her TS job so Glade could have it. She is one of the best I’ve known. So sincere and loving and devoted to the Program.
Doug Pospisil is under special assignment from Brother Bowden to update the Tour.
Steve Jones is as quietly wonderful as ever.
BARZ…more challenges than he knows what to do with.
Tiffini is working on her own “personal mission” while someone is away doing his.
Laurie Whitley is hanging in there. Needs a good job.
Evan Vance is my assistant and doing an excellent job. Up ‘til midnight last week getting everything done for Tempe Stake Thing.
Scott (not Scottie, thank you) faithful as ever. Fri & Sat nights every week. Our referral master.
Well, that’s everyone on the Roster in one form or another. Jason and Randy are fun. They know how the Program works and have been working it to their advantage. Lots of contact with Brother Bowden with ideas and excitement. Jason is loving ASU. Randy is loving working for Southwest Ambulance Service.
We are using each of the ten words in the second to the last verse in D&C 4 as our devotional themes from now until the week before Thanksgiving. Then we will be working on Thanksgiving and getting ready in earnest for Christmas. So, if you want to follow along with us, start the 9th of September with Faith, and add a word for each week after that. Hopefully, you’ll all have this before the first week in October.
I am currently transcribing Brother Vega’s Life Story. Hopefully, he will allow me to print some of it for you. There is more to that BIG man than meets the eye.
Also, I hope Sister Kimball will write a note to all of you she has met and all she hasn’t met.
I am going to try and include the graphs I did for the Kimballs. You will notice that although attendance is actually dropping, we are continually increasing our referral totals! Better training all around, plus being blessed by the Lord.
Talked to Sister Richardson this evening and it appears she read between the lines that Jeff may be having a little challenge with his comps. I saw some pictures that Elder Williams had sent Tiffini of the guys at the MTC. They looked like it was lots of fun. Jeff, pay particular attention to Elder Porter’s letter in this issue, as well as Elder Wayne Jensen’s. In fact. let’s start with Wayne’s.
Dear Bro. Parker, 7/23/90
Now I know the world is a small place, (or the Guide Program has expanded immensely). Because when I got the June GUIDElines I was able to read a letter of an ex-Guide who is also stationed here in the Vina Del Mar Chile Mission. (Elder Buchanan?! Wow!)
I would like to thank you dearly for your love and service to the Lord’s work. I suppose I can only imagine the good effects your efforts are going to have upon the world. (I want you to know that it has effected me greatly.)
There is so much to do here. Sometimes it’s hard to come home to eat and go to bed, because there is just so much we can do. I truly love my mission. I have been in awe with the changes I’ve seen in myself, since I’ve started. The Spirit can guide anyone to always be a little better.
I don’t want to sound pompous about anything, but I want to say that Tour Guides from AZ are better prepared to serve missions. It’s sad to say, but I’ve seen a lot of garbage in my mission. As missionaries we are in the world, and deal with things of the world everyday. And it pains my soul when missionaries can’t leave it behind. After having a comp. who really didn’t want to serve, I gained a tremendous love and desire to work harder. I cried as the bus was taking me away from the sector that I had grown to love dearly, knowing that my five months of work in that tiny branch wouldn’t have much change to carry on with the bad example and lack of work that this comp. had.
I don’t want to sound discouraging, because I am excited and happy. But I say these things because the reason there are problems in the mission w/missionaries is because they are not prepared! They are not prepared to serve God with all their heart, might, mind, and strength. And because they are not ”dedicated” to the Lord and His work, Satan has more power to lead.
It’s the Guide Program that gave me a head start. A head start in “Dedicating” my ALL to my Heavenly Father. I was lucky enough to have participated for more than one year in the Program, and I can say I had a head start. Sometimes now I laugh at myself as I used to think stupid things like, “It will be so great when my mission is through and I’ll have more time to myself.” How golden my mission is to me because it’s changing past knowledge into greater understanding. Understanding of how much better the path to Exaltation really is … Understanding much better where this path lies…and finally understanding that “Every” knee will bow and “Every” tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. Not just members, but Everyone must progress! So now I ask myself, “How fast are you going to progress?” Well, I’ve truly learned that “service” is one of those saving principles that are necessary to possess, to obtain Exaltation! Now I think things like, “How great it would be to get together with all those ex-Tour Guides and create new ways of bringing souls to Christ!”
I love missionary work. I love receiving knowledge of many missionary friends around the world. Thank you. !TE AMO! (I Love You)
Love, Elder J. Wayne Jensen
P.S. I have a few things that maybe you could pass on to the others:
1. My Bro. David, in Canada. Hay bud, I love you! Did you like the tape?
2. An Example and Friend David Porter. !Oye, me Amigo! !Tengo una Referencia para ti! If you ever get transferred to Puntas Arena I want you to baptize someone for me! (and for the Lord too, hee hee!) This man is the father of an ex comp. I had (who is now AP in the mission). This missionary (Angle Munoz) has suffered much for his family’s sake. I know, for I cried with him when he got word that his only sister went inactive. It’s not an easy reference, but I have faith that if there were an elder on the earth that could lead someone to conversion best, it would be you. Plus he lives inside your mission. Direction: Lord Cochrane OSS6, Punta Arena, XII Region, Chile. 1. Note: Barrior “Rio de la Mano” because there are eight wards in this city. 2. Note: His Dad’s name is Juan Munoz.
3. My buds in the entire world. !Hola mis Amigos! Dot it for the Lord. !Te Amo! cada uno (I love you, each one)
Note: Sorry Bro. Parker for the poor handwriting and grammar, etc. Thanks for your Patience and Love.
Wayne: I just sat at my kitchen table and wept the day I got your letter. I was so happy you had finally written. Thanks for your letter. I, too, believe we are not really aware of all the GUIDElines can do for each of us. Your letters lift my soul to the heights, and the challenges you have plunged it to the depths. However, I am trying to use all you teach me about mission life to better prepare the Guides for their missions. Please, you guys, keep them coming. We need it so much. I’ve never been on a mission and have so much to learn.
Again, I just can’t write each of you individually, and I am so sorry. I try to add a note now and then, but I have to plead exhaustion. I even have to have a ten-minute nap before I go back to work each noon, if you can believe that! Unless you’ve served in the Presidency of the Program, I don’t think you would realize the complexity of keeping it all going.
Remember, I want to put out a special Christmas issue of what you have to say about the past years and what you learned and how it all might help each of you around the world and the Guides here at the Center. Thanks for getting it going, Elder (CHILE) Jensen.
I spoke with President Bailey this morning and advised him that there could be from 600-700 in attendance at our Temple Tri-Stake Fireside. He said in that case he would try to get out of the assignment he had scheduled in its place. This afternoon Sister Kimball agreed to co-host with Matrons at the temple a Morningside for the sisters in the Program. We’ll do that some Saturday soon.
I would appreciate hearing from Robert Allen, John Bushman, Aaron Vanderpool, Marlin Porter, Russell McElhaney, Mike Pospisil, Doug Birch and the rest of you Brazilians, except for Richard, Ben LeSueur missed last month. I’d like to hear from each of you each month, but realize that may be a little much. Suggestions for improvement are okay, too.
Dear Brother Parker and Leslie,
I didn’t hear from you last month and I didn’t write because it has been a pretty hectic last two months. I’m having some difficulties with my comp. He doesn’t talk and doesn’t want to do anything; so being senior comp it’s my job to make sure that we go out and do what we were called to do. He has been out for 19 months and he’s decided that he is just too burned out on doing any missionary work. He likes it when we have teaching appointments, and baptisms, which we have one this Sunday. He doesn’t like to go tracting but there are a lot of things in this world that all of us don’t like to do but it has to be done.
How’s the Youth Guide Program doing? I sure do miss it a lot. I talked with a few youths a couple of weeks ago and they said that the Guide Program is Los Angles was doing great. I had forgotten that there was a program there.
They say that time goes by fast when you are doing the Lord’s work but no one said that it goes by this fast. I’ve been out for seven months almost and it goes by real fast.
Leslie, give me the update on who’s married or engaged that you know of. Do you have our Dear Sweet Lyrica’s address so that I can write her? Boy, if everyone keeps getting “hitched” there will be no one left for me to marry. I’ll have to go to Africa to get myself a wife. (Hee hee!)
Well, tell the Guides and everyone that I love and miss them a lot and can’t wait until we have a huge Guide reunion when everyone’s home again.
Love, Michael Brown
P.S. Came home today and found your letter in the mailbox.
Dearest Brother Parker and Guides, 6 Sept 90
I just re-read the August issue of the GUIDElines for the second or third time and I want to thank you for all the inspiring words of comfort and love sent to all the missionaries throughout the world. I’m sitting here eating my usual bagel and cream cheese for breakfast thinking of everyone at home. I want to thank the Guide Program for all their prayers for the missionaries, especially for me during July and August. I was suffering from ulcers and stress/depression of daily struggles of being a missionary. I would like to share with you a small but very effective situation that had occurred in that very same time that I was ill. We were teaching a young lady and her 12-year-old daughter. I didn’t get the chance to teach her all six discussions but I did have the privilege of baptizing them. We had scheduled the 5th ad 6th discussions in one night and I wasn’t feeling too great so I called the Stake Missionaries and Zone Leaders to go teach her cause her baptism was only two days away and there wasn’t any time left except for the interviews just before the baptism. The discussions went great and I received a call that night from the Ward Mission Leader to let me know that everything was going as planned. After I hung up the phone there was a knock at my door and to my amazement it was Holly, Judy Guen and their 4 children with gifts and goodies to make my day more “fattening” or comfortable. Both Holly and her daughter, Julie, asked me to baptize them that Sunday. I sadly told them that I just didn’t have the strength but they said they had had a prayer and fasted about it and they felt that I could do it. To make a longer story short the night of their baptism I had the strength to baptize them and to confirm them a member of the True Church of Jesus Christ. The whole Zone was in amazement to see me up and around that night. We went home and I started failing in strength again and I was in bed for four days afterwards. I know that their prayers were answered and that their prayers were answered and that I was blessed to witness those two daughters enter into those clean, blue waters of baptism. What joy filled my heart. I know that if it is the Lord’s will anything can be accomplished. To update you on my condition, so far is that I still have ulcers and have been taking five kinds of medication plus I’ve since found out I’ a borderline diabetic and allergic to Nutrisweet. (No more late night trips to the cookie jar.)
I have a new companion. He’s from Vernal, Utah and is a super guy. He stands 6’7” and everyone thinks we look like brothers. We don’t think so. I love my mission and the work here in San Diego. I haven’t heard from a lot of people that owe me a letter or two but I’m expecting that they won’t let me down too easily or forget me altogether. Well, I must come to a close for now but I’ll write again soon. Give my love to everyone.
Love, E. M. R. Brown, 3835 Avocado Blvd., #260, La Mesa, CA 92041-7383
Dear Brother Parker, August 14, 1990
I’m sure you have been wondering what happened to the Duffer. This letter should explain everything. I decided that I loved the MTC so much I wouldn’t leave. I signed up on the visa delay program. This means that my visa is still at the Brazilian Consulate in L.A. waiting to be sent out. There is a good chance my visa will arrive on Friday, the 17th about the time you will get this letter. If you want to find out for sure if I do receive my visa, I have established a visa hotline at my home. My mother would love to tell you that she is finally rid of me officially for two years.
I should be sending a letter next P-Day also with some more details. I’ve got to go now and get this out with the 5 p.m. mail.
Love, Elder Duffin
Dear Brother Parker, August 21, 1990
This letter is just for you. I decided to share my goal for baptisms on my mission. I figured you were a good person to share it with. I know you won’t run out and tell everyone. This is a very personal goal and was made with much prayer. I feel that there are _____ people that I can baptize. The Lord feels like I should do more, however, after I reach ____ I am going for _____. I can do even more if I try hard. Salvador is ripe for the missionary harvest. I just have to be a good missionary and teach with the Spirit. My Mission President wants a steak, no actually a “STAKE” by November. Wow! I’ve go to work hard. I feel confident that I can do it with the Lord’s help. Watch out Brazil, here comes the “Duffer!” I am so excited to leave. I just hope my visa arrives soon! Pray for me please. I sure could use the extra faith and prayers. I’ll write you and let you know when I get my visa. Thank you for all of the love and support. Give my love to UB and the rest of the crew.
Con Amor, Elder Duffin
Dear Brother Parker, August 21, 1990
I just got the latest issue of the GUIDElines! I was so excited I tore the letter open and read it for almost a half hour. I almost wish I were still serving as a Guide at the Visitors’ Center. It sounds as though July was a month of months! I really appreciate the great sacrifice of time that goes into the GUIDElines. It is so nice to hear from everyone around the world. I draw a great strength from those good brothers and close friends. I hope my letters are of some value to the others. I recognize that I lack much of experience seeing that I am still in the MTC. I do realize, however, that I will gain a lot of experience in a hurry when I arrive in Brazil. I guess you could say I’m still just in embryo.
I have experienced a lot of growth in many areas of my life here in the MTC. There is still much growth that awaits me and I look forward to the trying times ahead. After 11 weeks in the MTC, I’m even ready for the Amazon. Despite the fact that the Amazon is not in my mission I would go there if nothing else just to leave Provo. You have probably guessed I’m ready to leave. I am now in Alma 5 in my Portuguese Book of Mormon and moving ever onward. It is a great challenge to understand exactly what I’m reading but, I am learning. Having spent over 11 weeks at the MTC I have had more than enough time to learn a lot of Portuguese. I’m not fluent in Portuguese yet, but, the Spirit is.
I’ll keep this short so you don’t have to spend a lot of time typing this letter.
Thank you so much for the GUIDElines. I love you a lot Brother Parker. You have taught me a lot about life and the gospel. I can’t wait to go to the temple with you again in 2 years. Until then, “Lamb to the slaughter, let’s do it dude…” a famous twisted quote from Joseph Smith. Keep up the great work at the Visitors’ Center, and to my brethren already in the field…Vamos Baptizar! (Let’s Baptize!)
Love, Elder Brian Duffin
Yahoo! A IREGA E VERDAREIRO (‘Yahoo, the Church is True!)
Dear Brother Parker! 8/23/90
My heart is very full at this time as I have just completed reading the last GUIDElines. And I wish to thank you for it from the bottom of my heart. We as missionaries and friends are eternally indebted to you for your service to us, in keeping us all knit together worldwide. Service and Charity are both on my topic of study at the present time and you exemplify both to an astonishing degree, and the Lord will bless you for it. I know you hear it a lot but I don’t think you’ll really know in this life how much good you’re doing. Thanks & I love you for it.
I guess you know I am in the Mission Office now. It will be a 5-6 month calling. My first impression when I got the call was what did I do wrong, but President assured me that much prayer he felt that’s where I was needed the most. The other 3 missionaries that almost got the assignment were ZONE LEADERS. It makes me feel good to know Pres. Keeler trusts me enough to give me the assignment he has for the responsibility is much greater than I ever would have volunteered for. The best part though is that I was able to perform the baptismal ordinance for the first time last week. The first week I was in the office we had a fast as the Office District that we would be able to baptize during the month of August. Not more than a few days later my comp. (Elder McCleve from Mesa) (Elder McCLeve is good friends with Ben, Mike, Nate, Nathan McClaws, etc.) (Picture of him and I enclosed) and I came in contact with a Golden Lady and we baptized her and her son last Saturday. We still get to proselyte in the evenings. The spirit at baptisms is truly sweet. Susan, after being baptized, said she felt she had to wait for 20 years for me to grow up so I could bring the gospel to her. That is such a sweet feeling. When I was performing the ordinance, I was directed to tell her to search for God’s will for her, to not only use it in her own life but to teach it to her family. The next day at church she gave me a note saying the only way she could repay me was by sharing the message w/others and that she will always search for God’s will for her. It was a neat experience. The Lord truly does bless you after a trial of your faith.
As for my stories of Christmas past! The Gardens at Christmas time are truly the best. The only regret I have about my Christmases past in the Gardens was that I wasn’t there more nights of the month than I was. One experience that stands out was during the Christmas of ’88. It was my night to be down and I was, but on this particular night I didn’t have the Spirit w/me. I was scared to ask people for tours and I had feelings in my heart that weren’t appropriate for a representative of the Lord. I know I couldn’t continue giving tours w/those kinds of feelings so I went to my car and started praying. It must have been 15-20 minutes that passed by while I was asking for comfort and the presence of the Holy Ghost. Then a feeling came over me that’s impossible to describe. The jealousies, bitterness, and Gentile feelings that were in me vanished and I had the calm assurance of our Father’s presence. The scripture I had read that morning (Alma 37:35-37) became a full reality for me and I was able to go and give tours the rest of the evening with a surety and confidence. I don’t believe I had any referrals, and I may not have even placed any books that night, but I had searched for the Lord’s presence that evening and had found it, and my testimony of prayer was strengthened ten fold. Prayer still remains of utmost importance and when you begin to feel relaxed in your callings, or your daily routines, call upon our Father because He will always be there for us. May God bless us as we find those seeking baptism for a remission of sins and may the Lord bless those elect and us with a continual retention of that remission.
W/Love Always, Elder J. David Jensen
P.S. I can’t wait to come home and see Wayne, Derek, Doug, Dave, Paul, Zane, Lance, Shad, Alan, You, Ben, UB, Aaron (Although I’ve seen him several times up here) and of course all those who I haven’t met yet! Hi Guys! Know that I think of you all often.
P.P.S. Tell Wayne I got his tape, loved it and am sending him one back ASAP. I love having brothers that I love so much!
P.P.P.S. The photocopy I did last time is just something I do to save time. I knew you’d understand.
Nice stationary A! In my last area we were teaching a deaf boy through some members who knew sign language, and they taught us quite a bit of sign language as well as giving us this stationary. It was a neat experience. Probably the closest I’ll ever get to speaking a foreign language while on my mission. Anyway, I’m writing to let you know I’m doing great and I’ve been transferred. My new address is CAN-WIN Mission, 306-1661 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3J 3T7 Yes this is the mission office and I am now an official pencil pusher in the mission. Actually it made me feel good to know President trusts me enough to bring me into the office. I guess it was a decision he had to make. Either Elders Sutherland, Crossley, and Carrillo who are all Zone Leaders, or me. This mission is so huge that President is gone for 2 ½ weeks of the month and so he really needs people in the office he can trust and depend on while he is gone. I feel honored he has that trust in me. I am officially in charge of all the cars in the mission. Buying, selling, repairing, monthly reports, etc., etc., etc. It’s a big job and I can see why Pres. has made it a calling. This mission has 42 mission vehicles and 12 bikes over an area 500 miles north of here, 600 miles east and 500 miles west. Winnipeg is of course pretty centrally located. My last area in Regina was excellent. We scheduled a lady for bapt. last week, of course I won’t be there again for it, but as long as she gets baptized is the most important thing. I had lots of excellent experiences in Regina. I was sad to leave. The members in Regina were the best. I will really miss them. Know that all is well w/me. The office staff goal is to baptize each month, even though we don’t get as many proselyting hours as the other missionaries. TAKE CARE. Know I am doing well, and I think of you often.
W/Love Always, Elder J. David Jensen
Dear Bob and Friends:
This last week, Elder Ballard from the Twelve visited in Japan here. His message was exciting. Remember the simple things of missionary work. Don’t forget!
The Quote of the Month:
Convince a man of what he wants, and he will move heaven and earth to get it.
and now on to…
VIII – Our Ability to Change People
Actually, as all missionaries know, the above is really a misnomer. Who really does the changing? It’s the spirit, of course. But is it that? What role do we really play in missionary work?
If we go to The Source (Missionary Guide), it describes our purpose excellently:
As an authorized servant of the Lord, your purpose is to bring people to Christ through repentance and the ordinances of baptism and confirmation.
It states that we are to bring people to Christ. I would suggest that as meaning we are the vessels, or the instrument to open their hearts up to the spirit, and to continue that channel until they have acquired the ability for themselves. In President Benson’s words (check your calling letter you received), we are to be an “effective advocate and messenger of the truth.” Our roles are critically important to this, the most important work we could ever do.
We are working as the fishers of men, the example of Christ to the world. When people look at us, they should see the countenance of Christ. This means we are Christ’s representative to our brothers and sisters here. To do what he would do. To say what he would say. To be an example in every aspect of our lives as the life that Christ led. What an adventure!
The principle is so important. We convert what we are. Look at a missionary’s investigators, and they generally follow as well as the missionary. If we are lax on keeping our own commitments, or in obedience, so our investigators usually are. We are the example unto a world of darkness.
Verily, verily, I say unto you. I give unto you to be the salt of the earth; but if the salt shall lose its savor wherewith shall the earth be salted? The salt shall be thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the light of this people. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.
Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house;
Therefore, let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven. (3 Nephi 12:13-16)
Through our teaching we are to be the conductor of the spirit. We teach through the spirit as the Apostle Paul explains in this way:
We speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor. 2:13-14)
We have within us the power to bring people to the light and knowledge we have received. How can we convert thousands? Just ponder upon this one: When you baptize one person they have the potential to become a God and create worlds with billions of people. We are working with worlds on end, galaxies.
Remember what a fountain of good we can be. Remind yourself of this little morsel:
I shall not pass this way again. Any good therefore that I can do, or kindness that I can show to any human being – let me do it now! Let me not defer nor neglect it. For I shall not pass this way again.
What also is our potential, especially as a group? Well, according to President Kimball, we “have hardly skimmed the surface!” At a Regional Representatives Seminar, President Kimball also said in the prayer that “May we improve the efficiency of our missionaries, each bringing thousands of converts into the Church.” Well, if we take the number of missionaries we have right now, 40,000, [latest report, reed, from MTC is 46,000] and multiply that by 1,000. Wow! It is impressive. We have the potential to bring 20,000,000 converts per year. The power is within us. We can baptize more. We can bring more souls to Christ. The day is here for this to happen. Today is the day of miracles.
You Never Know
You never know when someone may catch a dream from you.
You never know when a little word or something you may do may open up the windows of a mind that seeks the light.
The way you live may not matter at all, but you never know, it might.
And just incase it could be that another’s life, through you, might possibly change for the better with a broader and brighter view.
It seems it might be worth a try at pointing the way to the right.
Of course it may not matter at all, but then again, it might!
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