
Monday, January 17, 2011

David Porter on Companionships - 27 ago 1990

Dear Brother Parker,

My deepest apologies for not writing sooner.  I feel as if I am the one who lost out by not staying in close contact the past two months.  You have my promise I will do better.

What a thrill it was to receive the last GUIDElines.  I continue to be amazed at the impact the GUIDElines is having in the lives of so many missionaries.  I assure you Brother Parker, you have no idea how much it helps.  You see, in the mission there are challenges you would never think of had you not experienced them.  I can personally testify that Satan tries to make you think and believe you are not the missionary you hoped or thought you could be.  The GUIDElines serves as a reminder (there is that word again REMEMBER) of who we really are, and that there are others experiencing the same things.

I also continue to be amazed at the wisdom I can draw from each letter as I read and re-read them.  I am so honored to feel a part of such a mighty force of missionaries.

I must comment on the letter of Lance Williams that appeared in the July 15/Aug 5 issue.  He said, "Our actions are an excellent reflection of the state of our testimony(ies)." What a wonderfully true statement.  I would not try to enhance on what he said and the inherent wisdom that these words carry, but I would recommend re-reading Lance's letter.

[You're right, David, I have used his letter several times in teaching the Guides.]

Brother Parker, I want to share some thoughts on companionships.  I have now completed seven months in the mission field and have experienced three completely different companions.  However, from each I have learned things that will serve me for the rest of my life.  I am sure all of you have discovered that as Youth Guides we lived in a very sheltered environment, surrounded by people whose only desire was to please the Lord.  Although at times during the mission we may be blessed with companions that have these same desires, I am positive that all of us will have the opportunity to be with those who we can help see the vision.  I believe the Lord wants it that way.

I do not pretend to have mastered this topic in any way.  I continue to struggle with it on a daily basis.  However, I feel it might help some of you to know that you are not alone in this struggle.

I have come to believe that nothing is worth contention in the companionship.  The Lord taught us the importance of 'being one' in his great intercessory prayer in John 17.  The Savior also said, "Be one, and if ye are not one, ye are not mine."  If we don't have our eyes fixed on the same vision we can never reach our full potential.  I have learned that I should never try and teach when I don't feel my companion and I are one.

The Key I believe is communication.  Never harbor negative feelings, even if your companion is not compliendo con la reglas.  (That was a fun statement for me.  I was just reading along and the Great David lapsed into his Spanish Pen and wrote what I believe means, "complying with the rules."]  Prayer, patience, and humility are important.  I am convinced that a large part of our mission is to help our companions succeed.  I have no doubt that we are put with specific companions for reasons that sometimes we can't see.  There was a time in my mission when I wept every morning in my prayers asking the Lord why I was put with a companion who didn't desire to work and keep the rules like I knew we could.  How wise the Lord is to not always give us what we want.  As I now try to motivate other missionaries I realize how important the experience really was.

"For verily I say, as y have assembled yourselves together according to the commandment wherewith I commanded you, and agreed as touching this one thing, and have asked the Father in my name, even so, ye shall receive!" (D&C 42:3)  We can truly receive, but we must be united! (Try a 'companionship hug' every morning and night -- it helps if it is done with Love)

I need to close.  I wish I could have 30 minutes to talk with each one of you.  I know I would learn so muh.

Brother Parker, the Youth Guide Program continues to amaze me.  The Lord is truly with you.

Please give my love to all the Guides.  I also believe your Christmas idea is excellent.  I will pull together all the memories and sort out what I learned that I feel would help.

The Church is true.  I had no idea before my mission of the great responsibility we have.  This work isn't just going to fill the earth on its own.  We have got to make it happen through our faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.

May it be so.

God bless you Brother Parker.  If you only knew how much I love you!

Elder David Porter

P.S.  Tell Robin Roberts he has a letter coming.

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