
Monday, January 10, 2011

Set A Date with Faith

Elder M. Russell Ballard’s Set-A-Date method for finding someone and getting them prepared to be taught by the missionaries is 28 years old.  He first outlined how it is done in the November 1984 issue of the Ensign, p. 15.  The title of the article was “Write Down a Date.”  This is some of what he said:

May I suggest a simple way in which each one of us can exercise our faith and start our personal missionary service.  Write down a date in the near future on which you will have someone ready to be taught the gospel.  Do not worry that you do not have someone already in mind.  Let the Lord help you as you pray diligently for guidance.  Fast and pray, seeking guidance and direction from our Heavenly Father.  Many if not all, of you will have special spiritual experiences as the Lord inspires you.  I know from my own personal and family missionary experience that the Lord will enlighten your mind.  He will sharpen your vision of this work by bringing names of nonmembers to your mind that you have never before regarded as potential members of the Church.  As you continue, you will be blessed to know what you should say and how you should approach each person.

Truly, those who use it talk about miracles happening in their lives.  We have seen it happen over and over again in the Youth Guide Program.  It is simply a tried and true way of finding new friends and bringing them to the gospel, but most members of the Church don’t know exactly how it works.  Consequently, they don’t use it.  Most have heard about it for decades and because of that many say, ‘Oh, yeah, we tried that once back in the ‘80’s.”  Elder M. Russell Ballard first outlined his method of how to do it and the Youth Guides followed his suggestions in the late ‘80’s and most of the ‘90’s and reaped grrrrr8! success.  You can, too!  Here is an explanation of how it works.
Prayerfully SETADATE by which time you will invite a non-member to a Church function. Make the date within the next month. If you have faith and a sincere heart a date will come to you that will feel right. A Church function can be a Family Home Evening, Sacrament Meeting, Sunday School, Priesthood, Relief Society, any activity where non-yet-members could be invited.

You don't have to be thinking of anyone in particular when you set your date. DON'T WORRY! We know from many wonderful experiences that the Lord will help you as you pray diligently. He will put people in your path ready to hear the gospel and who will respond to “will you” questions, such as “Will you come with me and my family to our Ward Birthday Picnic next Wednesday evening?” Seek guidance and direction from our Heavenly Father as you practice how to invite using “will you” questions, and He will not let you down.

Prayerfully CHOOSE a friend you already know to continue to work with.

Someone that you have:
Discussed the Gospel with Shown a Church film
Given a Book of Mormon or other Church literature Taken to church
Invited to a Family Home Evening Gone on an activity with

This may be someone in your circle of influence that you have been feeling guilty about. DON'T FEEL GUILTY ANYMORE! Continue to love them in old and new ways but don't feel pressured to make them members of the Church. The faith-filled act of having a SETADATE ensures that new ideas will come into old relationships or new people will appear in your life and you will then have abundant opportunities to share the Gospel in the easiest ways. Of course, we feel the easiest way we know is to bring them to a Church function or into your home for a Family Home Evening or to hear the missionaries.

SHARE the date you have chosen with your family and significant others (close friends, leaders). These are people who already pray daily for your success and adding your SETADATE to their prayers is a further act of faith. Visual reminders are an excellent way to keep your mind focused on your date. Perhaps a large piece of paper with your SetADate on it posted at your home, cubicle at work, or in your planner, will do. Be creative!

INVITE those the Lord puts in your path to come to a Church function. This is an easy and natural way we in the Church have to share the Gospel. Your family, leaders and friends will do all they can to invite the Spirit into each meeting or gathering you attend with a non-member friend. Use F. O. R. M. as a means to get by the fear of inviting. Memorize the steps: Family – ask a question about their family, such as, “How many in your family?” Occupation: Ask questions to find out where they or their parents work. Recreation: What do they do when they aren’t at their job? By the time you have had a short discussion about these three things, you will know enough about them to finish with the – Message: This is a “will you” question. “Will you and your family come to a picnic our church is having this Wednesday evening?” This is the only part that takes some forethought. You have to be aware of what is coming up in your Ward or Stake. Listen for announcements in Sacrament meeting each week, and make a note of what events are coming up you can use as you invite. Practice on your friends all the time until you are good at it.

Remember…SETADATE, Choose, Share, and Invite. The easy way to do missionary work!

My Set-A-Date is: ____________________________

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