
Monday, January 10, 2011

Excerpts from a Recent Letter to Craig and David - Cont'd

The following is from an issue dated May 15, 1990:

Finale!  Even though the GUIDElines have been essentially done for a week or so, I was waiting until the meeting tonight because I felt something special was going to happen…and it did!  While I was at Dallin’s Farewell today, Shad came up and said he wanted to be released tonight.  Sure enough, toward the end of the meeting, Bro. Bowden got up and said how much he loved this little guy who had been with him so long; longer than any other.  Can you imagine what was going through Shad’s wonderful head as he sat on the front row and thought of all the friends he had sent out?  He just blubbered and blubbered.  Then he got up and said, “The way Bro. Bowden was talking it was like someone had died!”  He said he has a map at home with pins in it for 75 of his friends who have gone on to missions.  (Can you imagine that??!?  I got a map over the weekend to do the same thing with and now I’m not sure I want to!)  He said he had been around so long he had filled out his application on papyrus!  He talked about that first rainy Christmas night when they went into the room and prayed for the rain to stop and it did and they had the highest night of referrals the Program had ever had until just recently.  He spoke of having a problem in the Program and after prayer the Presidency would all have the same solution.  He said how Bro. Bowden had mellowed out a great deal lately!  Also, that he was one of the noblest men he has ever known.  He then went on to say a friend is a friend forever and that we would all be together again someday.  Then he gave us the same charge his Dad gave him once in a blessing…go now, and keep all the commandments.

Then Kathy and Tiffany were released and bore their testimonies.  Kath is off to Ricks in two weeks and Tiff is going into swimming or something real intensely this summer.  We’ll miss them.
Then, for me, the most spiritual thing happened and I’m telling you outside of the temple lately there hasn’t been a lot of spirituality for me either in the Program or in my life.  It was time for the closing hymn.  Shad said when you’re the accompanist you get to pick, so what would he pick?  You guessed it—“God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again.!”  That is my mother’s favorite song and we were already having such a hard time breathing through sniffles.  Anyway, he played the introduction and at one point had to stop.  I was facing away and Leslie, on the front row as always, pointed and said something to the effect he was breaking up.  Anyway, we sang the hymn slowly and reverently as only Bro. Bowden can lead songs at times.  Shad played his heart out…and towards the middle of the second verse, as I was standing looking out over the kids I glanced upward toward that beautiful arched ceiling in the Second Ward building with its wonderful stained glass windows and suddenly had the overwhelming feeling that the Warriors were arriving from all over the world, sent by your wonderful spirits to buoy up Shad’s spirit as he brought his wonderful Guide career to an end.  It wasn’t like a rush of wind or anything but like all of a sudden they magically began to arrive…from Chile, Japan, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, England, California, Washington, D.C., Illinois, South Dakota, Vancouver, the MTC, Brazil, Spain (you can imagine the handsome Warrior with Brenda?!), Connecticut, the Philippines, San Diego, Sacramento, and soon Poland, Greece, Fiji, Toronto, Mexico, Idaho, Australia, and Troy sent his in today, and Kyle last week and Todd said soooon!!!

When the meeting was over then Shad kept blubbering and hugging everyone, especially the girls, and then I brought him up to the podium and told him what I had experienced and he just hugged me and I am sure he said something significant, but it was while he was sobbing into my chest that he said it and I couldn’t make out anything but the word “friend.”

Now, since I have decided to dedicate this issue to him, I need to say a little about why such a wonderful guy could be in the Program so many years and not get to be the President.  It isn’t that he didn’t deserve the job just for longevity, or that he couldn’t have done a wonderful job and had I been running the show he would have been there, oh this last year and the events gut fuzzy sometimes, but it would have been somewhere around Ben, or Craig, or Paul.  You see, the Spirit bore powerful witness to me at one time that it was Shad’s turn.  I always make my inspirational messages known to first Don when he was here and then Bro. Bowden.  They both kind of shook me off and I felt kind of rebuffed.  Then events transpired and we got to tonight and I know why Shad wasn’t ever President, although he was a counselor to many Presidents.  It had nothing to do really with worth or fitness or deservedness.  Don’t you think that all of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve could do the job of Prophet?  There are probably thousands of men in the Church who could fill those shoes.  I believe many were ordained to that purpose.  But I don’t believe any sort of unrighteousness has kept them from it.  The Lord didn’t want Shad as President.  Like Shad said, it’s the Lord’s Program and a lot of the time the Directors mess it up but He always brings it through.  Can you imagine the wealth and depth of learning Shad has garnered in his years in the Program?  He has seen it done every possible way and now knows which is the best way.  He knows so much about people and how they react in every situation, that the Lord could probably call him right now as a bishop and with a little prayer and humility he could lead a ward from the word go, with wisdom and a great deal of finesse.  Can you imagine how much the Lord must love him to have given him this tremendous experience?  Do you think it is possible that he will ever take presidency for granted, as some may?  Never!  He will always be ready, willing, and able and I can’t tell you how much integrity he has…to have been through all those meetings and all those situations and all those tours and all those callings…he’s the shortest giant I know right now.  Also, can you imagine what a tremendous tribute to have the Warriors come from all over the world to express their love and the admiration of each of your spirits to this young man whose many, many friends have gone on before him!?!

Well, as I said from the pulpit tonight, with the GUIDElines I have tried like any good parent might to throw a net around each of you to keep you firmly bound to the Program and the friendships built and nurtured in it.  And looking him right in the eye I told him how much I loved him and appreciated his friendship and how we love each and every one of the members of the Program.  What a loving God to have arranged for us to be thrown together in such a marvelous way!

So, Shad, my friend, it may be hardest of all for you to leave a Program you helped build to go off to Australia and speak a tongue that will probably challenge you to the core.  But, as was evidenced tonight, in addition to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, you have the instant companionship of all the Guides and their Warriors should you need it!  May our Lord continue to bless you, my son, is my humble prayer in His name.  Amen.

Now, we only have one change to make the GUIDElines serve and support all of you.  Each of you has written of experience and advice.  Now, what can we do to help you?  Ryan has asked how to deal with trunky companions.  Let’s have some input.  Or, if you have a need, please, just ask.  In this issue there are a dozen letters.  Can you imagine getting a dozen letters in one day!!!  Keep ‘em coming.  I’ll do my best to pass them on.

Eternally, Bro. Parker

P.S.  We (Shad, Eric, Jeff, Loren) went to the 9:30 session this morning.  While waiting, Shad and Eric gave me a blessing in the East Room, the first for Shad as voice.  Awesome!  Then we went on the session and discovered that Shad and I were doing work for brothers and Eric had an uncle.  In the circle they needed one more so I stood in with Shad (for the brothers).  Later we lunched with Elder Woolsey!  A special day!

I found a letter that gives a little more detail on this temple experience:

Dear Craig and David:

The GUIDElines is awesome for me, too.  I can’t tell you what a blessing it has been in my life.  Thanx! again, Dave, for suggesting it.  You know I am a compulsive overdoer, so it has been just up my alley.

I want to report on the most wonderful day I’ve had recently in the temple.  Jeff mentioned he and Loren were going, so I called around to see if we could get a whole group together and Shad and Eric were the only other ones who had the time.  Eric stopped by my house and I brought him to the temple. We were shooting for the 9:00 a.m. session.  Just about five minutes before 9:00 Shad came rushing in and since the others hadn’t gotten there we decided to wait until the 9:30.  I invited them to the East Room (the Men’s Study Room) and after we had talked for a few minutes and I kept seeing Shad tear up, I asked them if they wouldn’t give me a blessing.  Eric had but Shad hadn’t ever been voice, so I asked Eric to pray and Shad to be voice.  His hands shook as he gave me a short, but powerful blessing regarding employment and the Program.  Then we were done and we went on in to the session and just about a minute before it started, Jeff and Loren came in, so there were five of us on the row.

Shad and I discovered we had the names of brothers, Noah and Abner Peeler, and I think Eric had an Uncle.  Anyway, when it came time for the prayer circle they all went up and I stayed behind, just so I could watch.  It turned out Shad didn’t have a partner so I got up and stood in with him.  I knew the brothers on the other side along with the Warriors and all were certainly having a good time with all of this!

Later, we sat for a long time in the Celestial Room and just talked about all kinds of things.  I asked if we could look into the sealing room and the Sister told us no.  So we sat and chatted and later she came over and said we could go in and a worker, one of Shad’s cousins, led us and explained what it was all about and it turned out pretty sweet.

We went on down and changed and decided to have lunch in the cafeteria.  We got our food and sat down and talked a few minutes, when we noticed Elder Woolsey come in and sit down with his lunch.  Shad suggested we go and join him, which at first I wasn’t sure we should do, but we did and he just talked and talked and gave them all kinds of advice about their missions.  It was a wonderful experience.  You remember how Eric grins from ear to ear.  Well, when we were walking out I said don’t forget to tell your mother you had lunch with a GA today.  He looked at me and grinning from ear to ear said, how did you know that is what I was just thinking about?  He’s transparent, was the reason.  He is awesome!

Well, I don’t know how it happened, but old Shadrack has wormed himself into my heart as solid as you two guys.  It feels so good.  I dedicated this issue of the GUIDElines to him and gave it to him asking him not to reveal its contents to anyone here.  GUIDElines is developing a mystique and they can’t wait to get out to start receiving it.  Of course, that is exactly what I want them to do.  They can’t wait to have a letter published in it.

The decision was just made to call Troy as our next President this evening.  You’ll be surprised at the lineup when it gets set.  Guys who were hardly in the Program will be leaders before we know it.  How much fun can one old chubby guy have?  I just remembered yesterday that I promised David that I would be thin when he returned!  Yabba Dabba Doo, Quit Eating for Two!

Next post we’ll start recapping letters from the June 15, 1990 GUIDElines which contained 20 letters from Alumni, plus the usual comments from me on what is happening in the Program.

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