The Helaman Sons Letters Vol I, No 7 – September 7, 2000
Spring in the Gardens!
The following is from the issue dated March 15, 1990:
I Don’t Want to Make You Homesick, but …
I just returned from the Visitors’ Center and the last thing I heard before I left was this big round of laughter back behind the “Rock” someplace and Bro. Bowden saying, “I wanna hear you pots explain why I’m not saved by Grace.” [Bro. Bowden was the Director of the Program and would often come to the Gardens and pretend like he was a minister and ask tough questions of the Guides!]
It was a wonderful evening in the Gardens. A group of about 50 LDS Institute members from Tucson arrived about 8 p.m. and came back to the Reflection Pool and gathered in a semi-circle and sang beautifully for about 20 minutes.
The Reflection Pool was as beautiful as I have ever seen it. There was no wind to stir the surface and the temple glowed that creamy pink that makes your eyes “water” a little. The lights from the chandeliers in the Terrestrial Room seemed brighter than usual. I turned away and for one poignant moment my heart burst with emotions as I allowed myself to miss each of you … but only for a moment.
Kyle is the new ZL for Thursdays. Keith is DL, Tim is ADL and E.G. is Records Specialist. In addition to them we had eleven other Guides and myself in attendance. Can you guys imagine that many Guides at the Visitors’ Center on just an ordinary Thursday?
The weather is excellent. It was a little cold on Tuesday afternoon. Reports of snow in Paradise Valley and a cold wind. Today it was in the 70’s. Typical Arizona weather.
Russell is out on one of his final dates tonight before he leaves next week. I suggested they get a camera and take pictures of him all over town and make a book for him to take to show the Polish people an American Mormon boy at the Mall, at the Pic-N-Save, at the Temple, etc.
He and I have had a couple of wonderful temple sessions in the past month. He is the only one with his endowments until Aaron, Eric and Brian get theirs. We went to the 1:30 session on Tuesday, and afterwards spent about 30 minutes in the Celestial Room thinking and talking about his mission. We had just gotten the Church News with the announcement of all the new missions in the Eastern Block nations.
Afterwards we went down to the office and I Xeroxed him a copy of the Church News article and then into the cafeteria for some pie and milk. We sat and looked out on the beautiful afternoon and the Visitors’ Center and the Reflection Pool and just enjoyed life. I can’t wait until all of you get back and we can do a session and sit and talk and I can find out all about what your missions were like.
There was a NE breeze tonight at the Center and Arby’s about drove me crazy! We have been contemplating going back to three Zones instead of six. Can you imagine being a Zone Leader with 15 people on each of your nights?
Easter Pageant
The Easter Pageant is on all of the Guides’ minds. Shad and Geoff have decided we all need to pass off the Moon Test between now and the end of the month. They are really having a hard time not being on their missions. That is one of the reasons they are now working as Training Assistants. Geoff bore his testimony at our SNTM and said after all his friends had left on their missions he just didn’t want to continue and apologized for slacking off so much. I knew I had a hard time, but I didn’t realize how hard it is on the ones who stay behind.
Shad is the funny one. He calls me about every other week and complains and complains about how it used to be and couldn’t we get back to the way we used to do it. He has seen guys come back from missions that came to the Program after he did! Poor guy. He told me tonight that his papers have been in two weeks and he expects his call on Saturday. Praise the Lord!
So, we gave them to Bro. V. I think they need something Bro. V. can give them and they can help him stay a part of the Program.
Scotty – Ammonite DL
Scotty bore his testimony and said, “When Brother Parker called and said Brother Bowden wanted to meet with me before the meeting tonight, I knew I was going to get a new calling!” Scotty is AWESOME!!! Just last Monday his sister came down and brought some non-member friends from Salt Lake and Scotty and J.B. got THREE referrals out of the group!
Change the World
I figure we released 29 people and called 24 on Sunday Night. Doing it without Don was a chore. Bro. Bowden says, “We got it just the way we want it now, let’s don’t change it!”
However, there has been a lot of flak about having 6 ZLs, so we may go back when we release Paul after Easter. Who knows?
Kim wanted a way to train for her mission and we needed to do something with all those older girls, so we created a Daylight District for Saturday. They are going to plan it out themselves. I don’t want them to meet regularly unless they have people to bring to the Center. They will work with the full time sisters.
Directors Send Letter to Guides
Dear Youth Guide:
We want to express to you our love and appreciation for your untiring, superb effort in doing the Lord’s work at the Visitors’ Center. We congratulate and thank each one of you.
You young people are not the ordinary 17 and 18-year-old teenagers. You are exceptional and you were called because of your maturity and because you have the ability and potential to serve the Lord in these sacred Gardens. As Alma stated, an exciting change has come in your lives. This is where the Lord prepares future mission leaders and you have shown in your countenance and accomplishments, that you have invited your Savior to be your constant companion. Faith, courage, commitment, and obedience are essential and necessary for your continued success.
After much prayer, we have decided that the minimum age for young men to become Guides will now be 17 ½ and young women 18.
Ammonites can be 17 and prepare to become Guides at 17 ½ by passing off tests and being Finders.
Sisters will serve until they are 19 1/2 . They then can be assigned as an Adult Guide to work during the daytime hours on weekends and be on the Member Missionary Committee, working with the full time sister missionaries. This will encourage the sisters to prepare for their missions.
We would like to re-emphasize some important basic rules:
- While on duty, look forward with a spirit of enthusiasm to maintaining missionary standards of performance, i.e. dress, appearance, and conduct.
- Shift assignments are not made lightly. Call your leaders when you can’t make your shift. Always provide a substitute. Be on time and always bring a spirit of humility, happiness, and obedience. We respect and solicit your constructive suggestions on how to make your program more exciting and successful.
- All Zone, District and Ammonite Leaders are to provide exemplary leadership. Please take your callings very seriously.
- All of you are Warrior Guides (soldiers in the Lord’s Army). If we are to reach the newly assigned goals, we are going to have to make some mighty moves right away:
a. As a Guide on your night, forget any fears you might possess, have courage and determination to invite everyone you see who enters the Gardens to take one of your exciting tours.
b. Show sincere enthusiasm. It will encourage them to go on a tour.
c. Don’t worry about whose turn it is to take the next tour. When you see someone walking around, act quickly and see that our guests feel welcome and then make your invitation to go with you on a short tour.
d. Don’t let the word “hesitate” be in your vocabulary. Be confident and pray the Lord will help you.
e. We are expecting Church Authorities to visit and judge our program. What if they come and see our fine guides standing around talking. Is that the kind of impression we want to make? What kind of report will they make?
f. We treat everyone the same; member and non-member alike. We don’t know who they may be. The Lord expects you to do everything in your power to help touch their hearts while they are in those beautiful, sacred Gardens.
- Everyone in the Program must fill out and hand in a Weekly Report. (This is essential.) The Directors review them weekly and are made aware of successes and challenges in each of your lives. Look forward soon to being interviewed by Elder Kimball [Director of the Visitors’ Center]. Prepare yourselves and make sure your “reports” are interesting and complete. Your reports and stats are essential to prepare for your mission, when it will be an everyday requirement to keep records and turn them in properly filled out and on time.
- Sunday Night Training Meetings are REQUIRED, unless you have an extremely important meeting with family, ward or stake. Then you are expected to call your leaders and let them know.
- Read in the Book of Mormon every day; also pray daily.
- Study 30 minutes regularly every day.
- Attend the Sunday Night Training Meeting and leadership meetings.
- Contact 5 people weekly (using Temple Cards) to invite them to the Visitors’ Center.
- Be on time on your assigned night and act like an enthusiastic, excited missionary.
AWESOME is the name you Youth Guides have earned. We believe you are some of the most talented and wonderful teenagers in the Church. President Benson has said, “I pray, my young brethren and sisters, that our Heavenly Father will bless you with an understanding of how desperately you are needed in His service today.”
Your adult advisors, your youth presidency and nightly leaders are here to help run the Lord’s choice program effectively. Give them 100% of your efforts.
Warmest personal regards,
The Directors
[Following are some of the first letters from the MTC.]
From David
Well, the MTC Youth Guides have started to leave. I am sure you know by now that Ben is in Texas. Craig leaves tomorrow (3-7-90), then me, two weeks from yesterday (3-20-90). I am getting so excited. It is so fun having so many brothers here in the MTC. Everywhere I go I see someone I know. It pretty much impresses the guys in my district. Sunday night several of us gave Mike a blessing. He had to have an operation on his foot (minor). It was great to see everyone. Craig and I also talked for a while the other night. I know I don’t need to tell you what kind of missionary he is. I think I like him so much because of his faith and hard work.
I continue to learn about humility. I have learned that one of the keys is remembrance. If I can remember the great things the Lord has done for me, and my dependence on Him, I will be humble. If not, I will forget the Lord and fail. I have been amazed with how many times it says remember or remembrance in the Book of Mormon. Some of my favorite scriptures are Alma 4:19, Mosiah 5:11, Hel 12:2, and Alma 62:48-51.
From Dougie
Things are going really well here. The first few days were really tough. I thought I was going to stress out and die. I figured that wouldn’t look good in the Church News, so I decided not to. I’m glad I didn’t because things are really good now. I am really enjoying myself. I have learned lots of things about humility, obedience and the Commitment Pattern. It’s fun! The language is tough but I’m still surviving. Tell all the Guides hello for me.
From Craig
It was fantastic seeing all of the Guides again. Didn’t make things quite as strange and lonely. I have been made DL over my district. Keeps things just a little bit more busy. All of the Guides got together and took a group photo so I will send you a copy when I get them developed. I am loving it here and learning a lot. Really stress to the Guides to study the Missionary Guide and Commitment Pattern. They will be so far ahead if they know that when they get here. It has really helped me.
I did two sessions in the temple today because I missed it so much. The Provo Temple is kind of weird—it is all computerized and has escalators and everything. One thing I was wondering if you could do. Could you laser print “The Kingdom of God or Nothing,” about 5 ½ by 8 ½. Please give all the Guides my love and pass my address around the world!
From Ben
Well it’s P-day here and I’ve got tons of stuff to do today. We have to go to the Mall today so I can buy a larger suitcase, a couple of short sleeve shirt’s, and a couple of ties. We went to the Mall the second week I was here and I hated it. It just totally throws you back into the real world and I didn’t like it at all. I am leaving in 1 ½ weeks on March 6. I can’t wait!! This MTC experience has been so wonderful. I have learned so much about French, the scriptures, the spirit of the Holy Ghost, and especially myself. Missionaries these days are very fortunate to have this kind of training. I have become very good friends with my district, teachers, and companion; it’s going to be weird to leave them. I am so thankful for the things I’ve learned here.
The language is coming along real well, although it’s very hard and discouraging sometimes. I can’t wait until I can communicate well enough to teach and use the things I have learned.
[Note: Prior to when Ben left, he wrote his testimony for us:]
“The skills and principles learned as a Youth Guide are going to help me tremendously. It would take several months in the field to pick up what I have now. The time I’ll save will be needed to further learn and improve. The Youth Guide Program gave me experience, an understanding and love for the Book of Mormon, dependency on Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, and confidence in myself. Thanks!”
Whenever I have the least bit of doubt, or lack of faith, I remember that Sunday in July, and many other occasions in the Program, where I saw and felt the influence of our Heavenly Father. I believe that I’ve seen literal miracles in that Program. I know that the Lord needs this work done, and if we are worthy, and have the desire to serve and love the people whom we teach, Heavenly Father will come through, no matter how miraculous it is. I know this with all my heart!
Bro. Parker, my testimony and love for this gospel has grown so much in the last 8 months (especially the last two). The Youth Guide Program changed the way I lived my life!! Thanks for everything you’ve done for me. I love you!!!
[Well, Ben, I love you, too!! I hope you don’t have to stay in Texas too long waiting for your visa.]
Bro. P.
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