
Monday, January 10, 2011

Temple Endowment Changes

The Helaman Sons Letters Issue No. 13 – Temple Endowment Changes
The following is from an issue dated May 15, 1990:


The article below was entitled “Revised Rites Win Praise of Mormons” in Saturday’s Religion section of the Mesa Tribune.  I am going to reprint it here for the GUIDElines so that you will know what the world is saying about the changes that occurred in our temples worldwide on April 10th, 1990.  You will note that the masthead for the GUIDElines this month includes a Butterfly for Beauty and Balloons for Happiness.  In a graphic arts way, that is what the new endowment means to me.  I am extremely happy and manifestly untroubled by the changes which I consider add beauty and enlightenment to the endowment ceremony.  I went to the first session (7:00 a.m.) at the Arizona Temple on April 10th and yesterday was my 12th session since the changes.  I want to include my testimony here, as I bore it in Fast and Testimony meeting today in the Westwood Ward, that it is particularly satisfying to have evidence in our everyday lives on a grand scale that the Lord loves us enough to give us Prophets, Seers, and Revelators, in the persons of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve, to guide us in these latter-days.  Please be assured that what the world sees as the “most significant changes in this century” to the endowment is proof of how much our Father in Heaven loves us.  The film has been beautifully done and adds immeasurably to my personal enjoyment, the actors are excellent, and I am spiritually and emotionally uplifted as never before after each session.  Is there any reason for concern?  Absolutely not!  THIS is the true Church.  The changes we have seen recently are the product of two years of development and have the full approval of ALL the Prophets, Seers, and Revelators of the Church as presently constituted.  My testimony is as sure now as it was 15 years ago this May 31st, just seconds after I had responded to Moroni’s promise, knelt in prayer and received the still small voice in my mind, “Yes, my son, it is as you have said.”  This is my continuing testimony and I send it to you this month and always in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.  Brother Parker

Although originally I reprinted the article for the GUIDElines of old, I think that I will not reprint it in The Helaman Sons Letters, because while it served a purpose when it was “news,” it has been almost a decade and is news no longer.  I would rather print these wonderful letters below.

Dear Brother Parker,

Thank you for your missionary newsletter.  What a wonderful way to keep everyone in touch.  It is exciting to know how my wonderful friends are doing, and that the Program is continuing strong!

I love the Japanese people.  What a choice country this is.  They are a very Christ-like people without knowing the Master’s touch in their lives.  It is an extreme privilege to share the warmth of the Master’s touch to them and to see an eternal change of life take place!

My companion and I (and our whole district) are using the “Dear Pres. Hurst” letter on covenanting.  We have covenanted with the Lord and desire to bring three of our brothers and sisters into the Church by the end of April.  Tsuruoka (the city I’m in now) saw five baptisms in all of last year.  Miracles will happen!  Please share this scripture with the rest of my brethren:

“Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice—yea, every sacrifice which I, the Lord, shall command—they are accepted of me.

“Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks’

“Waiting patiently on the Lord, for your prayers have entered into the ears of the Lord of Saboath, and are recorded with this seal and testament—the Lord hath sworn and decreed that they shall be granted.

“Therefore, he giveth this promise unto you, with an immutable covenant that they shall be fulfilled; and all things wherewith you have been afflicted shall work together for your good, and to my name’s glory, saith the Lord.”

Bro. Parker, about your commitment to go to the temple once a week:

“No unhallowed hand can stop me from going!  Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but my temple attendance will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated my heart, visited every fiber of my being, swept every unrighteous desire from my heart, and sounded in every member of my family, till the purpose of God shall be accomplished, and the great Jehovah shall say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”

I love you my brethren; I pray for your success in the Lord.  Work miracles for the Lord—you have the power and the authority!

Your Eternal Brother, Marlin

Fukuin Ga Shinjutsu De Aru Koto O Shitte Imasu (The Gospel is true—I know it! – Translation)

Dear Bro. Parker,

Well here I am in Chile Vina Del Mar Mission!  I’m sorry I haven’t written earlier, but this being my first couple of months in the field and all, I’ve been busy to say the least.  Lately there haven’t been enough hours in the day to visit all the people we’re teaching!

If it is one thing that I have learned out here it’s that the scriptures don’t lie!  The phrase that is repeated over and over again (“Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”  “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.” Moroni 7:33) is really true!  I have found that out, with the help of a book I have read called Drawing on the Powers of Heaven.  It has really helped me to see that everything depends on my faith, and desire!  Since I have realized that we have been on a rocket ship ride!  For example, my first month we had two baptisms.  Then I realized what I needed to do, and then we were having three baptisms this week.  A possible six more next week and the last week of April we might have six more.  If I keep the faith!

Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for the “GUIDElines.”  Also, say that if it were not for the Guide program I would be very behind.  In the MTC I was so much ahead than everyone else.  I got called to be AP there.  The reason was because they knew I was prepared.  I owe that to the Guide program.  It has even helped in the field because I already knew the answers to a lot of the concerns, and plus had teaching experience.  I am really grateful for your example and Bro. Bowden!  Thank you.

Love, Roberto

Dear Bro. Parker,

Thank you very much for the GUIDElines!  When I read through it, it sure brought back wonderful memories.  Hearing all that is going on at the Visitors’ Center makes me want to come back!

Corning, California is different form Gilbert or Mesa, Arizona!  Many people here are on welfare and it hasn’t been the easiest place to work.  I think the Lord put me here to teach me several things—one of them being humility.

The first month I was here was very difficult.  We did a lot of tracting and not too much success seemed to come our way.  Then in April the Lord blessed us tremendously with a baptism.  I had the honor of baptizing one of God’s daughters and brining her back into the fold.

With the help of my new companion from South Africa, and the Lord, we have been seeing much success here lately.  The Lord has sure blessed us tremendously with new families to teach.

Gene R. Cook has said, “The single most important thing a missionary can do is deliver up a spiritual experience to others.”  I know the Guides are doing an awesome job at this!

I am so thankful for the time Don introduced me to the Guide Program.  It helped me a lot in preparing for my mission.  I always talk about the Guide Program with my companions and tell them what a wonderful experience it was.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I had in going to the temple.  Gosh I wish I could go again!  I will never forget the choice experiences I had in the Lord’s House.  I look forward to the time when I can go back with you and Bro. Bowden and all the Guides.  What a wonderful place.

Just like out here in the mission field, we all must continue progressing in our personal relationships with our Savior and also in sharing His gospel.  At times, I have found it to be really tough.  But as my sister told me, “The only way out is through.”  We must never give up!  Paul H. Dunn has said, “It matters not if you try and fail and try and fail; it does matter if you try and fail and fail to try again.”  How true this is!

Keep trying Warriors of Light!  You are doing the most important thing in the whole world.

Just as it says in D&C 64:29-34, we are agents on the Lord’s errand; we are laying the foundation of a great work; and out of small things proceedeth that which is great!

We must not be weary, we must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ!  If we heed to these things and also build our foundations on Christ (as it says in Helaman 5:12) we will come out victorious in the end!

Oh how I love this work and the Guide Program.  As we say in our mission, “Give it your all” and “Keep the Faith.”  We truly are Warriors of Light.

May the Lord continue to bless you all in your labor of love as each of you lay the foundation of His great work!

Love, Brent

Next post we’ll have letters from California, the Philippines, and two from Illinois.

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