Brother Parker: 28 Maio 1990
Thank you for the GUIDElines. It is great to hear how the other missionaries are doing, and about their success. I am very grateful for the Lord and blessing me with the gift of tongues so I can share His gospel with the Brazilian people. It is wonderful to see the lives of people change for the better and become members of the Church of Jesus Christ. It is very humbling to be serving in Brasil; most of the people have nothing. Their houses are like shacks with dirt floors. It is wonderful to see these people grow in the gospel.
I am very grateful for the Tour Guide Program and the many things I learned there. The three things that I learned to appreciate the most are to have faith, work your hardest, and be patient until the Lord blesses us.
I now that this Church is the only true church upon the face of the earth. We get the most joy when we share this gospel with our brothers everywhere.
Love, Elder Richard Keawe Turley
Love Ya Brother Parker!!
Dear Bro. Parker, July 23, 1990
I’m sorry that it took me awhile this time to write. Currently I’m serving in Elk Grove, a town about 10-15 miles south of Sacramento. I thank you very much for the last GUIDElines – I really like reading it and hearing how everyone else is doing. We were able to meet our new Mission President and his wife last week at Zone Conference – Pres. & Sis Ripplinger. The work here is starting to pick up better now. When I got here my companion and I were both new to the area. He had been there for a month. But anyway, we have been tracting quite a bit and GQ-ing people. It seems to me that the more people I talk to about the Church or the Book of Mormon, the more courage I have. The same would go for the Visitors’ Center in handing out Mall Cards. As I have built up my courage to ask people questions, I notice more people to ask and more opportunities. It is neat and people really need to be asked these important questions about the gospel. Sometimes I have been frustrated to the point of giving up, but I have found out that those are the times which I have to hand on the tightest. The only result of failure is quitting; and we never fail as long as we keep treading through. It really hurts me inside to see people reject the truth and rejoice in the wicked things of the world. We must all continue to let our “lights shine” so people can see where to turn for the truth.
I had a very neat and spiritual experience a few weeks ago as I had the honor of using the Priesthood, which I bear. We decided for some reason to visit a part-member family in one of our wards—we hadn’t met them all before, but this one particular night we decided to check up on them. When we met them, the father of the family told us his father had been staying at their home because he had some form of cancer. They asked us to give him a blessing; so my companion anointed him and sealed the anointing. I know without a doubt that the Spirit guided my tongue as to what to say. It is so wonderful to know that we all have a Heavenly Father who loves us and will guide us if we but obey His commandments.
The power within the Priesthood is real—I know that. This last experience I just had continued to add to my testimony. I would tell more about it, but I feel I need to keep it to myself and my family.
I heard a quote in church yesterday, which said, “We are not using all our strength until we call on our heavenly Father for help.” So the next time we are tracting or working hard, don’t give up when we feel like it, call upon our Father and He will give us strength.
My mission is great—I can’t believe how time flies, it is six month snow! I love it!!
Take care, Bro. Parker—tell everyone I said “Hi” and that I love them all! Keep the work going!!
Love, Elder Brent Pospisil
June 15, 1990
Dear President and Sister Bailey:
Soon, you will be arriving to begin your assignment in the Arizona Tempe Mission. A bonus your new mission has that is found nowhere else in the Church is the Youth Guide Program at the Arizona Temple Visitors’ Center. These young Elders making this presentation to you are former Guides and we urge you to listen to what they have to say.
We are fortunate to serve as Directors of the finest group of young missionaries we believe can be found anywhere in the Church. Six days a week year ‘round, young 17-19 year old boys and girls serve in the Gardens of the Arizona Temple, bearing testimony to the truthfulness of the restored Gospel of our Savior and inviting non-members to share this joy by receiving the missionaries.
During December, while the Christmas Lights were on, the Youth Guides gave over 1100 Garden tours, placed 600 copies of the Book of Mormon, and received 358 referrals. During the five days of the Easter Pageant over 50 referrals were received. The Guides average 25-40 referrals a month when a special event is not occurring at the Visitors’ Center. With energy and excitement these valiant youth were responsible for nearly 800 referrals in the past year! In fact, we received word this week that they will be featured soon in the NEW ERA.
In the past year over 60 of our Guides have left for missions throughout the world. They write back that they are so thankful for the preparation the Program has given them. They feel they are months ahead of the average missionary because they have had actual experience with non-members in the Gardens, leadership opportunities, and have studied the scriptures and Missionary Guide.
We look forward with great anticipation to meeting you and working together with you. We know your major responsibility will be all of those marvelous missionaries serving in the Arizona Tempe Mission. However, at your earliest opportunity we invite you to visit our Sunday Night Training Meeting so you can meet the Guides and they can meet you.
If there are any questions these Elders cannot answer, please feel free to contact us.
Robert K. “Bob” Bowden, Director; Juan Vega, Asst. Director, Robert M. Parker, Asst. Director
Bro. Parker, June 27th, 1990!
Thank you soooooo much for the GUIDElines. I just checked into the MTC 5 hours ago. WOW! What an experience. Pres. Pinegar talked to us and he told us that we were checking into the MTC on the day that Joseph Smith was martyred. I hope that isn’t a sign for things to come! My comp’s name is Elder Risenmay. I haven’t met him yet so I’ll tell you about him later. As I walked into the MTC this morning a wonderful feeling of love and peace rested upon me. It was like the Savior was taking me in His arms and letting me know that He is with me and is going to help me every step of the way. Bro. Parker (it is) different than anything I have ever felt. I LOVE IT! The first Guide I saw was Jeff R. and then Shad Driggs. I have not seen any of the others yet. I just got back from dinner and I saw Elder Jarvis. He looks real good. I love you, Bro. Parker and wish that I understood some of the principles that I understand now and I would have served at the Visitors’ Center better. Give my love to the Guides. Tell them that they must prepare and study the Star Test!!! Tell them not to procrastinate, it’s too important! I love you all.
Love, Elder Willis
Here’s some Greek for you:
Edbbaio = Saturday
Kxynvvxt? = Good night
Avtio = Goodbye
Txpxkxyw = Please
What’s weird is I can read and pronounce Greek now and it’s only 3rd day. Like Shad said, the Gift of Tongues runs rabid up here only I speak beautiful German (I’m in an all German District). I feel like a Hot Tamale in the middle of a bunch of Goobers.
Patiently waiting for the next GUIDElines vxltoo.
Bro. Parker Sun, July 1, 1990
How are you doing? (Ti Kxvate) How goes the Program? Things are as sweet as could be here. Today (olmepx) is a very special day because as of today, Sun, July 1, 1990, the Greece Athens Mission is officially open and in business. So, I am totally excited and full of the Spirit. I know I just wrote you but I have some things for the Guides, and possibly for the Guide/Missionaries but I’m sure they already know this. In Priesthood today we were discussing the gospel and a thought ran across my mind. When people are given some blessing without having to work for it they will not respect the reward like they would if they had to struggle and fight for it. So, when the Guides are down and need encouragement just tell them that after going thru the trial of their faith the reward will be that much sweeter because they did all in their power to gain the blessing from the Lord, i.e. pass out cards, 210 study, etc. Let me know if that helps any. Also, look at Joshua 11:15 for that last thought.
Secondly, have them all pray about the goal because I know that was a real struggle to get them to do so but it is critical for them to receive the blessing.
“We should pray as if everything depended on the Lord and work as if everything depended on us.” Elder Gene R. Cook.
Bro. Parker, I love you and thank you for leading me and teaching me. Remember to always teach with love, patience, and understanding. May oupavie nevevyx (Heavenly Father) bless you in all your righteous desires.
Love, Elder Willis
Let me know if this letter helps the Guides in any way. Have them read Joshua 11:15 about leaving nothing that they were asked to do undone.
P.S. Have Leslie send cookies if she doesn’t mind.
Bro. Parker, July 13 Fri 1990
How are things for you? Things are awesome here. I can’t believe that the Guides received 24 referrals in the first week of July. They must really be doing something special to be worthy of such a blessing. Let me know how it all works out. I don’t have much time. I’ve got to go. But, I promise to write you more next week.
Love, Elder Willis
Dear Uncle Bob,
I apologize for waiting so long to give you this letter about what the Tour Guide Program has done for me. The Tour Guide Program was one of the great experiences of my life. To actually, at the tender age of 17, be able to teach people about the gospel thrilled me beyond end. I sit and think to myself now about the honor I had to spend the last 20 months of my life giving tours of His Holy Gardens, and to have the privilege of wearing His name next to mine. The Program has helped me to understand how to teach people about the gospel in a bold and sincere manner. It has taught me how to love and serve others. I have learned basic principles such as faith, diligence, prayer, and I know form experience at the Visitors’ Center that God will work miracles if we are but worthy to receive His blessings. Thank you, Uncle Bob, for the opportunity to receive this priceless training that will help me adjust to mission life much quicker than if I had not been a Tour Guide. I love you Uncle Bob and thank you for the opportunity to be called a Youth Guide. May the Lord bless you in all your righteous desires. I will never forget you and will pray for you always. Andio sas (Goodbye in Greek).
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